GARRISON'S GORILLAS WWII TV Complete Series+Unaired Pilot~Ron Harper 14 DVDs

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Garrison's Gorillas WWII TV Complete Series~Definitive edition, we'll also included the Unaired pilot episode with Cast of Combat! in it!

Garrison's Gorillas was an ABC TV series broadcast from 1967 to 1968. 
WARNING NOTE: If you chose "Media Mail" shipping; expect the package to take weeks to get to you and it to be in "battered- beaten" condition no matter how well we pack it. Media Mail is not recommended.

First let me say
others are selling an incomplete set of 22 episodes. Second, still others are selling incomplete sets billed as "complete" with duplicate episodes to make the episode count. The series ran 26 episodes till cancellation in 1968. This is the COMPLETE 26 episodes we have (plus the Unaired pilot episode). The quality is very good, roughly SLP VCR quality on an analog TV. The quality of the 1 DVD of the unaired Pilot episode isn't very good.
I made the mistake of buying two other sets. Both were incomplete, one had a badly encoded disc and the other was horrible quality with commercials.
This is the Definitive Edition! This the one you want!

It was action series that focused on a motley group of commandos recruited from stateside prisons to use their special skills against the Germans in World War II. They had been promised a presidential pardon at the end of the war if they worked out; if not, they could expect a firing squad. The four were Actor, a handsome, resonant-voiced con man; Casino, a tough, wiry safe-cracker; Goniff, a slender, likable cat burglar; and Chief, a rugged, somber American Indian proficient with a switchblade. Led by West Pointer First Lt. Craig Garrison, and headquartered in a secluded spot in England, this slippery group ranged all over Europe in exploits that often took them behind enemy lines. It was inspired by the 1967 film The Dirty Dozen, which featured a similar scenario of training Allied prisoners for World War II military missions.
Garrison's Gorillas TV Series 1967 - 1968 26 episodes on 14 DVDS  !
Each episode is about 50 mins long.
The series entered public domain 1/1/1992,
It aired for the 1967–1968 TV season.
Ron Harper as First Lt. Craig Garrison
Cesare Danova as Actor
Brendon Boone as Chief
Rudy Solari as Casino
Christopher Cary as Goniff
•Commercial free and unedited All Season ONE (26 episodes color); good viewing (7.0 out of 10) quality...! The lost unaired pilot episode is of fair quality as it was rescued from storage limbo. It is highly recommended you watch these on an analog (pre-digital) TV. The series ran only one season.

The unaired Pilot episode DVD includes a sample of the 12 O'clock High series.

The show is public domain, generic labeled DVDs shipped in paper sleeves or DVD wallet. If you are unfamiliar with public domain works, or you are expecting HD quality; don't buy this set!
Most disputes are due to buyers not taking the time to read a listing and understand what they are buying or the shipping policy. Please save us both time by reading the listing. I will not be responsible for any misunderstandings due to buyer not reading the listing. This item IS NOT a factory produced DVD "BOX" in a case with shrinkwrap. THIS DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY COPYRIGHTS as the item is public domain.
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