1985 - Ender's Game
1986 - Speaker for the Dead
1991 - Xenocide
1996 - Children of the Mind
1999 - Ender's Shadow
2001 - Shadow of the Hegemon
2002 - Shadow Puppets
2005 - Shadow of the Giant
2008 - Ender in Exile
2012a - Shadows In Flight
2012b - Earth Unaware
2013 - Earth Afire
2014 - Earth Awakens
2016 - The Swarm
2017 - Children of the Fleet (2)
2019 - The Hive
2021 - The Last Shadow
1977 - Ender's Game (foundation story)
2002 - First Meetings (story collection)
2005 - InterGalactic Medicine Show (story collection)
2007 - A War of Gifts (story)