ReplacementRadios, one of the largest factory audio/video websites, has branched out!! If you’ve been to our site, you know we have a HUGE selection of OEM radios and compatible accessories. Now we’re offering a few select products here too. Same great ReplacementRadios a new location.
This radio was offered for the following vehicles but match your part number, as there were multiple radio versions offered and they are not interchangeable.
Will it need programmed? This radio is designed to work in conjunction with your car's computer. Consequently, you may need your dealer to program the computer after the radio is installed in your car. Since it is new you will probably have a significant level of functionality without the programming but there might be features that don't work right until the programming is performed. Examples could be button back-lighting, steering wheel controls, sound level, etc. If you install it and find you either don't have any issues or can live with the few small ones you do have, great, but please plan on having the programming performed so the only possible surprises are good ones.
As noted above, there are no returns accepted on this item. We've marked it WAAAAY down. (GM sells it for $1,800+.) Plus, once it's connected to your wiring harness, it picks up your VIN. That means it will lock if it's put in any other vehicle. (It doesn't usually lock like this for you because there's no VIN in memory when it's new.) For example, let's say you don't follow our advice and check your part number or you don't make sure your vehicle is on the application list. Once installed, it stores your VIN in memory and has mounting marks on the brackets. If you were to return it, we'd be sitting on a radio that used to be new but can no longer be sold as such. We sell radios like that (new take-outs) for significantly less money because the customer is now required to pay a dealer for programming. The radio is guaranteed to display LOC on the read-out and do nothing for them until the programming is performed. We have no desire to get in a messy situation where we have to withhold an unknown portion of your refund to account for changes in condition after we get it back here and evaluate it. It's easier to say "returns are not accepted." Please understand we are not GM or Delco and we aren't affiliated with them in any way. (One reason our prices are so much cheaper.) So we are not responsible for the functional state of your audio system. While we feel bad for your predicament, it's not right to ask us to accept a return for something that has changed in value because of changes in condition. If you're having problems and this radio doesn't solve it, your dealer may have to help you figure out a solution. If they were the ones who told you to get this part number, perhaps they will buy the radio from you...
We are NOT a salvage yard. We are NOT affiliated with a salvage yard. We don't have the typical parts sales mentality. We specialize in one thing: factory audio/video. We are very picky and strive to provide radios that we would be proud to have in our own vehicles. When you buy a radio from us, you are getting a unit that is guaranteed to work. Occasionally problems arise with used radios as a result of mishandling during shipping. However, please know that we never knowingly send out a radio that exhibited problems in our testing. It is not in our best interest to send out defective units because we waste time and money replacing them under our warranty. This is why our radios are tested before they are even inventoried. We aim to keep our returns low and our customer satisfaction high. Please give us a chance to add you to our long list of satisfied customers.