The Williams Sound Pocketalker Ultra personal listener amplifies sounds for an individual who is hard of hearing while reducing background noise, making it ideal for use in noisy situations, TV listening, one-on-one communication, small groups or listening in a car.

The Pocketalker Ultra amplifies sounds close to the listener while reducing background noise, making it ideal for use in noisy situations, TV listening, one-on-one communication, small groups or listening in a car. With the headphone, the Pocketalker can get up to 121dB SPL high volume output and clarity. Achieve nearly 200 hours of typical usage; the red light on the top panel flashes when the battery is low.

Separate tone and volume controls are located on the outside of the case for easy adjustments to your hearing needs. It features a lightweight, ergonomic design for portability and easy use. Finger tip adjustable volume control allows you to quickly adjust to your listening environment - whether your hearing loss is low frequency or high frequency sounds.

The Pocketalker is backed with a five year warranty, your assurance of quality and satisfaction. Ninety day warranty on accessories.



Warranty Five year warranty
Brand Williams Sound
Product Type Personal Amplifier