We love the warmth of this image, the colors, the gentleness of the two figures. We love the representation of the scene, how it portrays an intimacy between Bernadette and Mary not usually shown in art about Lourdes. The image invites us in with them, suggesting the nearness of Heaven.
The scene is of February 25, 1858, when the as-yet identified "lady," during the fifth of her seventeen visits, has asked 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous to dig in the dirt at the grotto of Massabielle, near Lourdes, France. Bernadette digs and a miraculous stream of water pours forth, which still flows to this day. It is a blessed stream and has brought healing to many people.
Note the yellow roses on Mary's feet, which Bernadette reported. The French title at the bottom translates, "Souvenir of Our Lady of Lourdes," meaning it must have been distributed in shops in the town of Lourdes or at even at the grotto.
Our Lady of Lourdes is patroness of bodily ills, sick people, and protection from diseases.
Feast Day: February 11.
Back of holy card shown for your interest. Not shipped with print.
We have made extensive restorations to this card to repair it and uséd AI technology to deepen the expression of its details, so it looks great in the 11x14 size. This is one of the prints we always have framed and hanging in our house (near the area where Sue solders the holy medals).
** IMPORTANT ** THE IMAGE IS SMALLER THAN THE PAPER! There is a white border of about 0.5" inch for 5x7", 1.3" for 8.5x11", or 1.6" for 11x14" pictures. All Approx! Fine art printers do this because the images are almost never the same rectangular ratio of the standard paper sizes. It also gives the prints a finished look, and lets them look good in a frame without a matt.
- Acid-free paper
- Archival pigments, rated to last for generations.
- Cardboard backer
- Above story of the art
- Enclosed in a tight-fitting, crystal clear bag.
Thanks for your interest!
Sue & John
"In order to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art." ~ St. Pope John Paul II
Original image is out-of-copyright. Descriptive text and image alterations (hence the whole new image) © by Sue Kouma Johnson - CatholicArtAndJewelry.