FBN ( Federal Bureau of Narcotics) a novel by Michael D. Leonard SIGNED - 1988

Author Michael Leonard, a retired DEA Agent, Vietnam veteran and Commercial Pilot gives us an exhilarating thriller as FBN Agent John English confronts a demented Ex-CIA agent in a running gun battle from California to the Midwest.

The CIA had a large staff of agents working out of Cambodia during the Vietnam war. Carl Lamoreaux was one of them until he got off mission by arranging the destruction of heroin smugglers competing with his Asian comrades. When the CIA dismissed Lamoreaux he turned to his Vietnamese and Cambodian friends and began shipping heroin to the U.S. It was easy at first, but then they were discovered and he started losing heroin shipments. Lamoreaux would send some of his battlefield hardened Vietnamese pilots, helicopters and other military equipment to the Oregon coast to protect the shipment.

San Francisco FBN Agent John English has several case files on his desk when his boss hands him a teletype indicating that a New York informant reported that thousands of pounds of heroin was coming to the California and Oregon coast by private yate from Southeast Asia. English would soon realize the disturbing details of this case that will test his emotional limits and force him to face the demons from his time in Vietnam. Some of his fellow agents, also battle tested Vietnam veterans, had their demons as well. Some flew Cobra helicopter gunships in the Air Guard. They would be necessary in the battle to come . . .