30x Organic Mushroom Plugs Live Mycelium BLUE OYSTER Mushroom Spawn Spores Seeds Fungi Culture Growing Mushroom at Home Pleurotus columbinus Gift for Him.
You'll receive:
1) 30 mushroom plugs (6x30 mm) in a polypropylene bag with microfilter.
2) Simple growing instructions (will be sent to your e-mail address).
- Mushroom plugs (plugs spawn) is one of the easiest ways to grow mushrooms on wooden logs / live trees.
- Plug spawn can be stored in the fridge for ~ 6 months and have low susceptibility to any possible contamination and infections.
- You don’t need any special tools to grow mushrooms using mushroom plugs.
How to grow mushrooms on wooden logs using mushroom plugs:
1. Prepare softwood (birch, poplar, willow, linden) / hardwood (beech, oak, ash, maple) logs, healthy and freshly cut (up to 8-10 weeks old).
2. Recommended diameter 10-40 cm, length 50-100 cm.
3. Drill 7x40 mm holes in the log, every 15-20 cm, in 2-4 rows around the log.
4. Insert mushroom plugs in every drilled hole and close the holes with beeswax / plasticine / foil.
5. 30 mushroom plugs in enough to inoculate 30 cm diameter and 70 cm length log. The bigger log, the more mushroom plugs you should use.
6. You should wrap the inoculated logs in a polyethylene film / foil / plastic bag and keep them in a dark place.
7. Recommended storing temperature + 19-25 degrees Celsius.
8. Usually you’ll see white mycelium covering the logs after 3,5-10 months (depends on mushroom plugs amount used, mushroom specie, wood type, temperature).
9. After you’ll notice white mycelium, you should put the logs outdoors in a party-shade place and not windy.
10. Fruiting temperature: +10-25 degrees Celsius.
11. Preferred humidity: 80-85%.
12. You’ll see small mushrooms growing in 10-14 days.
13. Mushrooms will grow on wooden logs for 3-6 years, 2-4 harvest each year, usually in Spring and Autumn.