Winged Sumac
Rhus Copallinum
Florida Sumac is a fast growing tree or large shrub that is drought resistant.
The tree looks very tropical and turns a beautiful red in fall time.
It is also known as the Flameleaf Sumac for its fall-time color show.
Plus - It produces pink lemonade!
Yep, when the seed pods turn red in late summer and start to feel 'sticky', pick them.
You can also squeeze the seeds and lick your hand. If it tastes like Pink Lemonade, pick them.
Google Sumac Lemonade for all types of drink recipes.
This tree / large bush grows to be 5 to 15 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide.
It is a long-lived perennial commonly found on disturbed sand-hills.
Winged Sumac grows well dry, sandy soils in zones 4-9.
Wild birds love to eat the ripe berries and deer love to munch on the leaves.