Brand new factory sealed dvd-r (proprietary burn) of two slapstick prehistoric spoofs. Be sure you're machine will support this format. No frills of any kind, it may not even have a menu so it may be a pop-n-go. No indication of widescreen or full screen, at best it could be letterboxed so newer TV owners simply use your zoom mode. 

Reel Vault is a public domain distributor. Their sourceprints are usually lousy so expect a grainy grindhouse type film with damage such as scratches, jump splices, and maybe even lines if lifted from a videotape source.  

Both films are Out Of Print (OOP) and no longer being produced in any format.

I personally enjoyed these films with the 3-Stooges type humour and the soundtrack from Ennio Morricone actually has a catchy upbeat tune that I hummed all day.

WHEN WOMEN HAD TAILS: Senta Berger stars in this send-up of prehistoric monster films at the time like 'When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth', 'Land that Time Forgot', and 'One Million Years B.C.'  Seven cave men are marooned on an island, seven being significant as this is also a take on 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'. You have Dopey, Sleepy, Grumpy, etc. and you even have Gay who is mostly feminine and interested in men.

One day while out hunting, they find a woman with about a foot long tail wagging at the end of her spine. They don't know what this animal is so they take it back to camp. While in captivity she tries to convince one of them that "zag-zag" (in the tape version) is a lot more fun than eating her. When she lies down and tells him to get on top of her, he stands on her! This is the kind of dumb humour that sometimes actually made me laugh out loud.

 I don't recall any dinosuars, their might be one. The scantily clad Senta Berger is beautiful even with dirt on her face.

WHEN WOMEN LOST THEIR TAILS: Sizzling Senta Berger returns this time looking even better in her scanty animal skins. The amorous cave people discover the concept of money, trade, and supply & demand. After discovering this new idea to alleviate their boredom, the cavemen begin claiming ownership of everything leading to divide, conflict, and confrontation. A good parable about todays greed and this is how we got there. All done to volcanic humour and explosive sexuality.