Measures 8-1/2" X 10-31/32" - 1-sided off-white paper -- two color banner line, with lithographed body, plus typewritten date.


Both horizontal & vertical folds, plus creases & corner folds & yellowing -- possible moisture ring on rear.

Like I'm sure many thousands of other young boys and girls in late 1955 and early 1956, I sent off a short, glowing fan letter to Walt Disney and the Mickey Mouse Club.  (Lacking access to the internet in the mid-1950s, I'm sure that I simply addressed the envelope to:  

Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse Club
Burbank, California

And -- the post office being what it was back in the 1950s -- it no doubt crossed the country without problem, and was likewise delivered without any hesitancy by Walt's local post office.

The contents of my original letter are long forgotten -- over the course of the next few years, I mailed several -- but my original letter received this April 26, 1956 response from HAZEL GARNER, in the Public Relations office at WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS -- a form letter, naturally; but with a date which was typed in by hand -- so supposedly before WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS realized that Hazel was spending too much time typing in responsive dates; so why not eliminate the date entirely?!?

And, nearly 70 years later, my fan mail response letter seems to be an orphan amongst Disney collectibles, as I am unable to spot another one just like it.

So "Hey there, Hi there, Ho there, you're as welcome as can be" -- to purchase my 1956 Mickey Mouse Club fan mail response letter -- and thanks, Hazel!

Shipping charges include postage (including USPS Tracking on domestic shipments), packaging materials, labor and fuel (the nearest post office is 14 MILES away!); but I do combine shipping charges on multiple items -- so fill up that cart NOW an' save some $$$!