14.25 Ratti 13.72 Carat Neelam Ring Blue Sapphire Adjustable Ring for Men & Women 500B09P628N71
About this item
Neelam Stone is a highly protective gemstone. It helps in protection from enemies, evil eye, hexing, jealousy etc.
Size adjustable ring: suitable to all men having ring sizes between 15 to 28
Astrological ring - open from back and stone touches the finger
PANCHDHATU RING: Real Panchdhatu Ring is made up of Gold, Silver,Zinc,Copper and Iron.
Benefits: It removes all negativity from life..and built Confidence. It is said to give mental Stability, Tranquility, Spiritual Enlightenment, protects against danger of any form, Wealth, Good Name, long life, prosperity and good children. If it suits you then it can bring major change of fortunes and luck. Recommended for Evil effects of Planet Saturn.