BIRDS and BUTTERFLY mix.- If you want to bring the hummingbirds, Butterflies and songbirds in close to home, this is the wildflower seed mix for you. The blend of special wildflowers is designed to attract birds, butterflies, and hummingbirds.  This is a blend of 18 easy to grow perennials and annuals designed to bring in the pollinators to a mostly sunny area. Just rake seed in a prepared or semi-prepared area and water. Keep moist until germination, about 2 weeks, and stand back. Pretty much carefree after seedlings are established. Water once a week if no rain and maybe a little fertilizer after everybody's on their way. 2000+Quality seedsMAMMOTH BLACK RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER is a HUGE plant and Flower. They can get 10 feet tall. They have huge leaves, and a thick, sturdy stalk that will produce a giant 12-16" feathery yellow flower with hundreds of seeds. The seeds are ready when the flower nods and drops its petals. Easy to grow from seed. Pretty much a carefree, drought tolerant plant once the seedlings are established. Water once or twice a week if no rain. Over-watering can cause disease. A little slow-release organic fertilizer will increase seed production. 25+ Organic seeds from Kansas per order.

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