Ring Vessel: Gorgeous Amethyst stones clustered in the shape of a flame. Set in sterling silver. Excellent quality. Size 8.
Angels of the Violet Flame Portal
7 Spells from the book of Shadows of Hudansaad Shamasee
Vessel: Vintage pendant with amethyst stone. Very intricate detailing. Unmarked metals, most likely sterling.
The Elite Collection consists of the rarest and most powerful articles we offer. These are the items that are usually offered only to the private sector of Metaphysical collectors. We have not offered this collection online until now.
This pendant is a portal that is linked to a class of powerful wise spirits called Angels of the violet flame.
The violet light realm is governed by the Archangel Zadkiel.
The light waves for the seven angel colors vibrate at different electromagnetic energy frequencies which attract the angels that have similar this type of energy. This one being crimson, attracts like energies which helps you to gain universal wisdom and supernatural gifts.
This portal was created by Master Conjurer Mahindred Shamasee with the blessings of the Angels. Creating a portal allows the Angels freedom to come and go from their realm to ours. The physical grounding source being this lovely article.
This beautiful piece was also cast with 7 spells from Hudansaad Shamasee's book of shadows. Hudansaad is the Grandfather of Mahindred Shamasee. His spells are known World wide and are what most modern magick is based upon today. Hudansaad was also a conjurer and taught his Grandson the powerful ways of the ancients.
The spells that are imbued on this lovely piece are:
1. Relinquere Meum legatum- Which translates as leave my legacy. Hudansaad Shamasee believe that every person has a purpose and a reason for being. It is when you realize and use your gifts to help others that you reach self actualization and spiritual freedom. This spell will help you to find your purpose and to use it for the good of others.
2. De Umbras- Which translates as out of the shadows. This spell brings all things to light. Mysteries and things that are hidden from your physical eyes will become clear. Many things occur just under the realm of our eyesight. Having access to this domain will enable you to gain power over your surroundings.
3. Inebriatus Est in Prosperitate-Which translates as bathed in success. This ancient spell has been used for generations. You will find success at every turn and doors will open that you never thought possible.
4. In Favorem Angelorum- Which translates as in the favor of the Angels. This spell draws forth all realms of Angels who will watch, guard and protect you as well as bless you with rare miracles.
5. Transformatio- Which translates as transformation. This spell will transform anything that may be lacking in your life or that may be preventing you from living life to the fullest. You will emerge a new and transformed being with renewed hope and focus for your beautiful future.
6. Dona Fluido Rarissimo- Which translates as grant rarest. This spell will surround you with rare gifts that may be spiritual or physical in nature. You will be immersed in favor on all levels, being rewarded generously.
7. Non Debebit- Which translates as no debt. This spell will help you to right past negative karma which may be keeping you from moving forward in your life.
All Spells will be activated immediately upon wearing. No ritual required.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.
