Hosta 'Blue Angel'

A Classic Big Blue!

This is THE big blue hosta! 'Blue Angel' features huge, thick, slug resistant, blue leaves. Mature clumps can grow to be 3' tall and 6' wide. We have found it to be a strong, fast grower. An award-winning classic that has stood the test of time. No collection can be without it. (Aden 1986)

This hosta is a winner of the prestigious 'Popularity Poll' from the American Hosta Society. This variety has been named one of the very favorites of all hostas by the majority of the AHS members in an annual poll. Basically, this plant is "loved by all". An excellent choice for your garden.



HARDINESS ZONES: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

FLOWER: White, mid season.

SUN EXPOSURE: Part sun to shade.

SIZE SHIPPED: 2.5" pot. The second photo shows approximately what you can expect. (plants shipped to California may be bare root and trimmed)