The West Wing: The Complete Seasons 1 and 2 DVD (2003) Martin Sheen, Graves
The West Wing: The Complete Seasons 1 and 2
Leading Actor:
Martin Sheen
DVD / Box Set
Studio / Publisher:
Warner Bros. Home Ent.
UK Release Date:
17 Nov 2003
Box Set
The complete first and second series of the acclaimed political TV drama. In the pilot episode the President (Martin Sheen) faces embarrassment when he rides a bicycle into a tree and Sam (Rob Lowe) sleeps with a prostitute. In 'Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc' the President and Vice President have a disagreement. 'A Proportional Response' has President Bartlett consider his response to a terrorist attack in the Middle East which claimed the life of his doctor. 'Five Votes Down' finds staff members struggling to get a gun control bill passed by Congress. 'The Crackpots and These Women' sees the staff deal with a number of bizarre special interest groups. 'Mr Willis of Ohio' has Bartlett's daughter get into trouble while drinking in a bar. 'The State Dinner' finds Bartlett trying to keep pace with various crisis situations while also preparing for a state dinner honoring the Indonesian president. 'Enemies' has C.J. suspect Danny of romancing her in order to get a big story. 'The Short List' sees Bartlett struggling to nominate a new Supreme Court justice. 'In Excelsis Deo' finds Bartlett sneaking out to do his Christmas shopping. 'Lord John Marbury' has Bartlett consult with a British peer when India and Pakistan go to war. In 'He Shall, from Time to Time' Leo confesses about his alcoholic past and Marbury helps India and Pakistan come to an agreement. 'Take Out the Trash Day' sees the staff wrangling over a new sex education report and a hate crimes bill. 'Take This Sabbath Day' has Bartlett wondering whether to intervene in the execution of a convicted murderer. 'Celestial Navigation' finds Josh covering for C.J. when she has to have some emergency dental work. '20 Hours in LA' sees the staff visiting the West Coast in order to attend a fundraiser. 'The White House Pro-Am' has the First Lady kick up some controversy when she discusses child labour in the media. 'Six Meetings Before Lunch' finds Josh trying to intervene when Breckenridge's talk of slavery reparations begins causing problems with Congress. In 'Let Bartlett be Bartlett' a memo detailing Bartlett's weaknesses becomes a potential embarrassment. 'Mandatory Minimums' sees the staff drawing up a new drugs policy. 'Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics' has Sam's earlier encounter with a prostitute come back to haunt him. Finally, in 'What Kind of Day Has It Been?', the staff are confronted with the shooting-down of a US pilot in Iraq, technical faults on a space shuttle mission, and an assassination attempt. In the complete second series of the acclaimed political drama, 'In the Shadow of Two Gunmen: Parts 1 and 2' sees Josh fight for his life as an investigation unfolds around the assassination attempt on President Bartlet. 'The Midterms' covers the problems with the midterm elections, the aftermath of the shooting of Josh and sees the President lashing out at a radio host. 'In This Whitehouse' sees the President wanting to hire a Republican after he beat Sam in a televised debate. 'And It's Surely to Their Credit' sees the President taking some flack from White House staffers. In 'The Lame Duck Congress' the staffers consider calling a lame duck session of Congress. 'The Portland Trip' sees Leo staying behind to deal with the Gulf situation whilst the rest of the staff join the President on a trip to Portland. In 'Shibboleth' it is Thanksgiving. 'Galileo' deals with a NASA space probe, the Russians denying any knowledge of a fire in a nuclear missile silo and C.J. and Sam having to confront various people they have been avoiding. 'Noel' has Josh forced to deal with his post-traumatic stress symptoms. 'The Leadership Breakfast' sees the staff before and after a bi-partisan breakfast with the Republicans. In 'The Drop In' Toby plans to add a 30 second 'drop-in' comment to Sam's speech on the environment. 'Bartlet's Third State of the Union' finds Bartlet preparing for one of the most important speeches of his career while also trying to deal with a hostage situation involving DEA officers and Columbian terrorists. 'The War at Home' sees Abbey and Bartlet discuss whether he should run for a second term. 'Ellie' has the Surgeon General at the centre of a controversy when he makes comments in favour of legalising marijuana. In 'Someone's Going to Emergency, Someone's Going to Jail' Toby meets with a group of anti-globalisation activists. 'The Stackhouse Filibuster' finds the Family Wellness bill in trouble when Senator Howard Stackhouse stages a filibuster designed to block its progress. '17 People' sees Toby and Leo discuss the legal issues surrounding Bartlet's MS. 'Bad Moon Rising' finds C.J. searching for a leak among the White House staff. 'The Fall's Gonna Kill You' finds Babish asking some difficult questions about the MS cover-up. '18th and Potomac' sees the staff preparing to make an announcement about Bartlet's MS to the press. Finally, 'Two Cathedrals' has the staff deal with a crisis in Haiti and attempt to preserve the integrity of their law suit against the big tobacco companies. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.