At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions. At times, our store might be on hold for inventory update, and will mention "vacation" but we're always available to take your order. Please submit your order as an offer and we'll get back to you shortly. Let us know if you have any questions.
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You Are Buying
Brand: ISUMO
Aftermarket Premium High Quality
Vehichle Speed Sensor (VVS)
With George
Quantity: 1 Kit
Bolt Hole Quantity 1
Connector Gender Female
Mount Type Bolt On
Terminal Gender Male
Terminal Quantity 3
Terminal Type Blade
Wiring Harness Included No
TOYOTA 4RUNNER 1992-1995
The Vehicle Speed Sensor may be located on the transmission output shaft 
housing, transfer case output shaft housing or the differential housing.
The Vehicle Speed Sensor is an input to the Power train Control Module 
Body Control Module , and the Transmission Control Module . The 
vehicle’s speed is required for proper ignition timing, air/fuel mixture, transmission function, 
cruise control operation, anti-lock brake operation, traction control operation and the vehicles 
active restraint system.
Failure Symptoms: Malfunction Indicator Light illumination, Air Bag failure light 
illumination, transmission shifts incorrectly, engine surging or hesitating, speedometer 
failure, speedometer intermittent failure, 4 wheel drive inactive, cruise control failure
El sensor de velocidad del vehículo puede estar ubicado en el eje de salida de la transmisión
caja, caja de transferencia, caja del eje de salida o caja diferencial.
El sensor de velocidad del vehículo es una entrada al módulo de control del tren de fuerza
Módulo de control del cuerpo y el Módulo de control de la transmisión.
Se requiere la velocidad del vehículo para una sincronización de encendido adecuada, mezcla de aire / combustible, función de transmisión,
operación de control de crucero, operación de frenos antibloqueo, operación de control de tracción y vehículos
sistema de retención activo.
Síntomas de falla: iluminación de la luz indicadora de mal funcionamiento, luz de falla de la bolsa de aire
iluminación, cambios de transmisión incorrectos, motor en aumento o vacilante, velocímetro
falla, falla intermitente del velocímetro, 4 ruedas motrices inactivas, falla del control de crucero
ボディコントロールモジュール、およびトランスミッションコントロールモジュール。 の
故障症状: 故障インジケータライトの照明、エアバッグ故障ライト
================================================== =====================
Basho: Shasoku sensā wa, toransumisshon no shutsuryoku shafuto ni haichi suru koto ga dekimasu haujingu, toransufākēsu no shutsuryoku shafutohaujingu, matawa defuhaujingu. Shasoku sensā wa pawātorein seigyo mojūru e no nyūryokudesu bodikontorōrumojūru, oyobi toransumisshonkontorōrumojūru. No tekisetsuna tenka taimingu, kūki/ nenryō kongōmono, toransumisshon kinō, kurūzukontorōru sōsa, anchirokkuburēki sōsa, torakushonkontorōru sōsa oyobi sharyō Akutibu kōsoku shisutemu. Koshō shōjō: Koshō injikētaraito no shōmei, eabaggu koshō raito shōmei, toransumisshon no fuseikakuna shifuto, enjin no kyūjōshō matawa or, sokudo kei shōgai, sokudo-kei no danzoku-tekina shōgai, 4-rin kudō ga hiakutibu, kurūzukontorōru shōgai