ST George Ribbon sign of victory in World War II !


In Russia, black and orange were the imperial and state colors, corresponding to the black double-headed eagle and the yellow field of the state coat of arms. It was precisely this symbolism that Empress Catherine II apparently adhered to when approving the colors of the ribbon. But, since the order was named in honor of St. George the Victorious, the colors of the ribbon perhaps symbolize St. George himself and indicate his martyrdom - three black stripes, and his miraculous resurrection - two orange stripes. It is these colors that are now called when designating the colors of the St. George Ribbon. In addition, a new award was awarded exclusively for military exploits. And the colors of war are the color of flame, that is, orange, and smoke, black.

The St. George Ribbon is a memory of the two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, the St. George Cross and the St. George Medal. The award appeared at the height of the Russian-Turkish War, when Empress Catherine II established the order in honor of St. George the Victorious. “George the Victorious is considered the patron saint of the Russian army. In addition, he is depicted as a patron on the coat of arms of Moscow. And then such a long-standing tradition developed that St. George the Victorious is, first of all, a man, and then a symbol of the inflexibility of the Russian spirit.

Length:  5 meters (196 inch)

Material: 100% polyester  
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