RARE UV PowerMap UV Spectral Response Measuring Device
w/ Case Head & Collection
A compact UV measurement tool. This comes with great case and Omega Therm-couple item. The Head is attached to the data collection unit. I do not know much about these, but there is a great info/data sheet for this on-line. Looks like this is range H.
The newer PowerMap II sells for 8000$, so this is a good deal!!
Some details:
UV PowerMAP measures peak irradiance and total energy density in four spectral regions: UVA, UVB, UVC, and UVV
EIT's UV PowerMAP and UV MAP Plus are advanced measurement systems that measure and store UV energy, UV irradiance, and temperature information derived from their optics and thermocouple probes in UV curing processes. The UV PowerMAP simultaneously measures all four UV channels while the UV MAP Plus measures one channel.
Last Calibrated in 2015
This is in great used condition. Was working when taken out of service. Probably not used in years.