Item Description:

Victory Taweez

This taweez or ring will bring you victory in all aspects of life.

It will endow the user with the power to easily win any projects.

The keepers of this taweez will be treated with respect and dignity in society and everywhere he or she travels.

It will boost his/her confidence and allow him/her to accomplish task without difficulty.

It will stimulate your innate talents to attract positive energy vibrations.

It will turn the user into an elite team in life.

"Allah’s are the host of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is ever Mighty, Wise." (Surah- Al-Fath-ayat- 7)

The keeper will always have the upper hand over his/her opponent.

Keeper will be victorious in all sports and projects.

Specific verses were infused and charged into this taweez or ring to make it to strong and rapid acting.

" We are your Protecting fiends in this life of this world and in the hereafter. Therein you shall have all that your inner selves desire, and therein you shall have all for which you ask for." ( Surah - Fussilat -Ayat- 31).

Very Strict Instruction to keep this Taweez.

Only keep it with you when you are in clean and ablution (Wazu).

Never wear when you are in impure status ( Janabat)–remove the Ring and Keep it in Safe Place.

Females are not allowed to wear during their periods.

By purchasing my service, you are stating that you are aware of and agree to these terms. Am disclosing all items are being sold strictly as a spiritual item and pure spiritual attachment. My service is not substitute for legal, medical, financial, psychiatric or any other kind of professional advice or care.

Am state that information within this listing and publishing is for Spiritual purposes. These items are sold as a freedom of expression of religion, spirituality and equality.

Arabic Taweez, Money Taweez, Wealth Taweez, King Solomon Ring, Magic Ring, Haunted ring,  spiritual power, angelic power , Supernatural, Extreme power, 7 Jinn king Pact, spn, Roohani Taweez, supernatural 


Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 15 -20 days.

Guarantee Policy:

100% Satisfaction if you follow the instruction correctly.

Custom made Taweez are available. Please ask for availability

Check my full collection of Mystical Gem Rings & Taweez.

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