- Offer you unmistakably bright LED turn signals; eliminating the stock lollipops for a much sexier replacement.
- Chamfered top plates match the hole pattern on the stock brackets making it look like these were meant for this bike originally!
- As always, our kit is completely plug and play, easy to install, and
saves you time and money on labor costs, allowing you to plug in and
ride on.
Optional Modules:
- Load equalizer that will slow the flash rate. As is, it will flash a
little faster than stock but is not required for product to function
- DrugZ Circuit to make the turn signals a half intensity running
light, and full on/off blinker when applied. This options does require
splicing an additional wiring module into the turn signals to work
properly because of the 3 wire connector on the OEM harness.
- If you need both the DrugZ AND the Dual Load equalizer ask us first.
Get rid of your bulbous front blinkers and upgrade to the sleek NRC
2016 - 2021 Yamaha XSR 900 Front Turn Signals. They're super bright,
easy to install, and give the bike a new look.