Small Genuine Carved Olive Wood Cross Necklace Pendant w/ Blue Glass Fish Ichthys Centre Holy Land Blessed Bethlehem Jerusalem Jesus 2"/6cm Israel Christian Gift Wood PectoralProduct Description
Elevate your spiritual connection with our Small, Genuine, Carved Olive Wood Cross Necklace. Crafted with reverence from the blessed olive trees of Bethlehem, this 2-inch pendant features a unique blue glass Ichthys centre—a powerful symbol of Jesus Christ. It's more than a necklace; it's a sacred piece of the Holy Land, making it a cherished Christian gift and a meaningful wood pectoral. Key Features: 🌿 Authentic Olive Wood Craftsmanship: Immerse yourself in the authenticity of this cross carved from genuine olive wood sourced from the blessed olive trees of Bethlehem. Each pendant is a unique masterpiece, showcasing the Holy Land's natural beauty and spiritual richness. 🐟 Symbolic Fish Ichthys Centre: The blue Ichthys at the centre of the cross holds deep Christian symbolism, representing Jesus Christ. Adorn yourself with this powerful symbol, fostering a tangible connection to the teachings of Christ. 🎁 Blessed in the Holy Land: Feel the sacred energy of this pendant, blessed in the Holy Land. Its significance is not only in its craftsmanship but also in the spiritual energy it carries, making it an ideal Christian gift for special occasions. 🕊️ Compact 2-inch Size: The pendant's 2-inch size strikes the perfect balance between being noticeable and tasteful. Wear it daily as a symbol of your faith, or save it for special occasions. Specifications: ✅Material: Genuine Olive Wood & Glass ✅Pendant Size: 2 inches (6cm) ✅Center Color: Blue ✅Origin: Bethlehem 🇪🇸 Collar con colgante de cruz de madera de olivo tallada autentica pequeña con pez de cristal azul Centro Ichthys Tierra Santa Bendito Belen Jerusalen Jesús 2"/6 cm Israel Regalo cristiano Pectoral de madera 🇮🇹 Piccolo ciondolo a forma di croce in vero legno d'ulivo intagliato con pesce in vetro blu Ichthys Center Terra Santa Beata Betlemme Gerusalemme Gesù 2"/6 cm Pettorale in legno regalo cristiano Israele 🇫🇷 Petit collier pendentif croix en bois d'olivier veritable sculpte avec poisson en verre bleu Ichthys Centre Terre Sainte Bienheureuse Bethleem Jerusalem Jesus 2"/6 cm Israel Cadeau Chretien Bois Pectoral 🇨🇳 小号正品雕刻橄榄木十字架项链吊坠带蓝色玻璃鱼 Ichthys 中心圣地祝福伯利恒耶路撒冷耶稣 2 英寸/6 厘米以色列基督教礼物木胸饰 🇩🇪 Kleiner echter geschnitzter Olivenholz-Kreuz-Halskettenanhanger mit blauem Glasfisch-Ichthys-Zentrum, Heiliges Land, gesegnetes Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Jesus, 2"/6 cm, Israel, christliches Geschenk, Holzbrust 🇵🇹 Colar pequeno genuíno esculpido em madeira de oliveira com pingente de cruz com peixe de vidro azul Centro Ichthys Terra Santa Abencoada Belem Jerusalem Jesus 2"/6cm Israel Presente Cristao Madeira Peitoral Our company was created in 2016, and we specialize in selling goods and gifts made by Israeli and Palestinian manufacturers on the marketplace. In our store you can buy Christian and Judaic souvenirs, cosmetics with minerals from the Dead Sea, Kabbalah and secular souvenirs. We offer a wide range of products made out of Olive wood, Jewelry, Amulets of King Solomon and Kabbalah, Armenian ceramics, Mediterranean Spices. We invite suppliers and manufacturers in hopes of future partnerships. We adapted a wider choice of payment methods such as credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal. They can also make purchases using local payment methods. Items will be shipped within 1-3 working days after payment has been cleared by PayPal. Items will be shipped by registered mail. I'm shipping worldwide. See the list of excluded countries. Shipping time: 10-40 days. Custom fees, VAX, Tax or any delay with the country regulation would be the buyer responsibility If you are not completely satisfied for any reason, simply return the item in its original condition within 30 days for a 100% refund of the purchase price. Click here to Feedback view Due to recent policy changes we can no longer take calls directly to us. You can however still contact us directly via messages by |