50x coven cast LOVE AND ATTENTION MAGNET MAGNETISM  spell CAST for you led by 102 year old Witch


 50X COVEN CAST Albina will cast this amazing LOVE MAGNET  Spell for you!!








This is a 50x coven spell she calls her very powerful "MAGICKAL MAGNETISM"




This is a form of Magick that increases one allure, captures the interest of the one desired or attention of others as well as assisting in preserving and repairing loves "bonds" with another. Albina says that this spell is "often requested" after she imbues a Magickal for one within her circle of friends. As a result, she chose to begin sharing this spell with her "dear ones!" This spell has three main elements:


The Sweetest Honey: This first element draws in the potent Ancient energies to dramatically enhance one's "natural, primal powers of attraction". This enhancement will increase attractiveness and others "need to be near" one as well. Albina says that one will actually feel a 'warmth as this spell increases one's level of seductive energies". In turn, one will notice that one receives more attention, increased desirability, charm, grace, enhanced sexual relations and even an "ease" in attracting non-sexual relations such as business associates, friendships and other social circles. Albina does advise that oen simply remove the Magickal if the attention one attracts becomes overwhelming.
Turn thy Head: The Second Element of this spell draws in energies that will "brighten one's aura" with a charge of power that other's can subconsciously detect! This rise in one's auric "glow" will become quite evident when one is in the presence of one who is "desired" whether this is a new or current mate. Albina says that this element can ignite or rekindle initial attraction and appreciation with an "intensity that often creates dramatic displays of love for the bearer". She says many report to her that the "rise in attention from their mate is almost immediate even before alignment is complete!"
Preserve thy Love: This final element is as Albina says "a powerfully protective element" that draws in the precise energies that assist in "healing, reparation and strengthening of 'love' ties". This doesn't matter whether one's relationship is new with minor problems or long standing with more difficulties. Albina says that the strong energies drawn in will 'heal and bridge the gaps" of energy between one and one's mate in order to enhance "feelings of respect, balance, harmony, kinship, connections and overall love for each other". She calls this element a "true gift of Magick for relationships!






In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELL'S ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!










Please allow 2-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given