This postcard is from Sue Kouma Johnson's painting of Saint Cecilia, patroness of musicians. Cecilia was a third century virgin martyr who was courted by a Roman official but refused to marry as she was consecrated as a bride of Christ. She was then tortured, imprisoned and finally struck on the neck with a sword. When the sword failed to complete the job, she suffered in prison for 3 days before she died. During that time, she heard heavenly voices singing to her; hence, she is the patroness of music and musicians.
Her body was interred in the catacombs and 1500 years later, it was rediscovered, completely in-corrupt! A sculptor carved a marble replica of her body and it is quite beautiful. The painting reflects what the sculptor captured in her figure and gown. Sue portrays her as in prison, listening to the angels and playing the harp in accompaniment, symbolic of her heart strings.
Cecilia's feast day is November 22, and she is patron of musicians. Many young ladies have chosen St Cecilia as their Confirmation saint. This print, or the soldered medal, makes a sweet Confirmation gift for girls.
Set of 3 or 10 postcards, measuring 4x6 inches each, to mail to friends, or even frame as gifts! Thick, glossy paper.