We went through thousands of images of Joseph to find this one for you. It is beautiful and warm and shows a Joseph we could understand. A lot of the Josephs from the Renaissance to Victorian times are sweetened up or made to look epic, but that makes them look far-away or unnatural. This one has a manliness and strength we could recognize, as well as the quality of fatherly love.
He is a carpenter, there are his tools. Behind him and Jesus is the banner of two trees. A banner is frequently uséd behind Mary in paintings of this era to suggest a courtly milieu. The lilies next to him symbolize his chaste heart. So we have a realistically strong Joseph, providing for his family, and also with a heart for God and a devotion to Jesus. For us, this is an ideal representation of masculinity. One for all men to emulate.
We spent about a week restoring this one. Like many of our pictures, this is only available through us. Looks great in a den or an office or a bedroom—or even in a man-cave! Looks great in a medium to dark wood frame.
– 8.5 x 11" acid-free paper
– Archival pigments, rated to last for generations.
– Cardboard backer
– Above story of the art
– Enclosed in a tight-fitting, crystal clear bag.
** IMPORTANT ** There is about an inch-and-a-third of white space around the picture, so the image is smaller than the paper.
Thanks for your interest!
Sue & John