Pokemon Prism Version 0.94 Build 237
Tested and Works - GAME + CUSTOM CASE (Clam Shell or Bitbox depending on inventory)
Pokemon Prism Version is a new Pokemon game in the mainstream series, confirmed to actually be a split part of the ORAS timeline, taking place 10 years after the events of the Gold/Silver/Crystal of that timeline and showing how Mega Evolution, Primal Reversion and the newly-discovered Delta Mutation affect the Pokemon world.
The game primarily takes place in Kanto, Johto and the Sevii Islands after the events of Pokemon Black 2/White 2. A new pair of protagonists set out on their own Pokemon journeys, each seeking different things depending on what gender the player chooses: whereas the selected gender will be the playable character for the game, the boy character will seek to fill up his Pokedex and the girl character will seek to compete in regional contests. As with other ROM hacks, the real time clock (RTC) function is suppressed when put into cartridge form.  Game saves and works.