It helps protect against pathogenic threats such as viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Easy to apply, no side effects.
For centuries, until the advent of antibiotics, silver was used as a basic tool in the fight against various health problems (infections, diseases, wounds, etc.). With the advent of antibiotics, silver has been forgotten, although antibiotics are effective only against bacteria, but not against viruses and fungi. Pathogenic microorganisms present in the human environment are viruses, bacteria and fungi. Through the air, these infectious agents reach the surface of the mucous membrane of the nose, oral cavity and pharynx. SILVER ZEOLITE is an aqueous solution that has a strong immunostimulating effect, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. Ionic silver with zeolite is a key ingredient in our spray formula, easy to use, and its natural properties can effectively protect you from external threats. Because silver ions are silver atoms that lack one electron, they can "steal" electrons from other compounds, such as infectious agents. When they come in contact with them, they effectively destroy them. Silver zeolite spray creates a protective silver barrier between the mucous membrane and external threats. The silver particles remain on the surface of the mucous membrane and, with the help of zeolite, continuously release silver ions that act on the surface and do not penetrate the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane does not dry out and does not change chemically, but is hydrated, and silver ions with zeolite create a natural protective network. This silver-zeolite network does not allow microorganisms to form on the mucous membrane or to penetrate into the cell structure.

Respiratory viruses
    Viral sinusitis
    Herpes simplex
    Sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes)


    Nasal and oral hygiene
    Sore throat caused by streptococci
    Staphylococcal infections
    Difficulty breathing through the nose caused by Staphylococcus aureus
    Common cold
    Allergic nausea
    Nasal congestion
    Neutralizes unpleasant odors
    Prevents tonsillitis

As a precaution, silver zeolite spray is sprayed inside the nasal cavity, several times during the day. If you are on a plane, or in another means of transport where there are a lot of people, spray silver zeolite spray 5, 10 times. This also applies to an enclosed space with a lot of people such as waiting rooms, banks, congress halls, etc. In the open it is enough to spray 2-3 times from departure to return home. By spraying on the tears of the nose and mouth, a silver-zeolite "network" of ions is created, which neutralizes the virus and does not allow it to enter the cell structure. Due to the natural secretion of saliva and nasal secretions, spraying silver with zeolite solution should be repeated several times. If saliva is swallowed with silver zeolite liquid, there are no side effects and the body naturally expels it. If you feel a tingling or scratching in the throat, take the lid on the spray and pour the silver zeolite liquid, shake it well in your mouth, grunt and finally spit it out. Repeat this at least 6 times during the day. If you spray your eyes during spraying, since it is a completely natural preparation, without alcohol, preservatives, salt, artificial colors and scents, there are no side effects. On the contrary, Oral spray will act preventively. After application, do not ingest water and food for the next 10-15 minutes.