Condition : USED. Good. No missing page.
Total pages: 184 pages 
Language: Japanese 
Release Date: January 31, 2015

- Contents Introduction

'Thorough commentary dated view of the folding polite overseas 7 writers all 12 works. Development view five works published! All color International Kyodo Printing '90s, took place between the young Japanese origami creations home -insect war-. Also in origami writers of beyond the sea Americas had given this kind of influence! Further evolution undergone ORIGAMI design theory came back to Japan. Japan Origami Society Secretary General, origami writer Origami House presided over Shin Yamaguchi teacher your recommendation! From 1993 to summer 1994, gather in Gallery Origami House, -insect war- broke out between young origami creations home. Or create a work to say who is the most -amazing- in a non-off square one fold (to fold with a single square of Yamaguchi naming-cut without), less than bored just began folding six foot, fold the wings I went made one after another until the -insects fly- that has issued. It is to involve a lot of young Japanese writer, eventually beyond the sea is up to Mr. America of Robert ? J ? Lang was war. Each other to show the work to each other, work went birth to work with each other to stimulate. It was there any moment that origami design theory has penetrated in the universal form. This book, based on the design theory of such pioneers, show us the appearance of insect origami that evolved further. table of contents Preface Terminology and symbols How to fold the works Won Park -Flapping $ 1 bill of butterfly-, -1 dollar bill of dragonfly- Sebastian Arerano -Bedbug-, -praying mantis- Mark Car Shen Baum -Mosquito-, -Ladybug- Daniel Robinson -Walking leaf- Jason Koo -Rhinoceros beetle,- -ACTIAS ARTEMIS (Runamosu)- Odor, Kato -Beetle-, -Flying Hercules Beetle- Robert ? J ? Lang -Hornet work 624- Development view About illustrator Copyright 

- Comments from the publisher
Thoroughly explains the seven overseas artists all 12 works with carefully folding diagram. Development view five works published! All color International Kyodo Printing ? from Japan origami is now in the world is -ORIGAMI- boom! ? in beautiful mathematical world is that simple, in applications expand in the field of science and technology as -origami engineering-! (In one of the recording author, would not a few who became see the origami engineering guru R.J. Lang's TED presentation) ? perceive the competence and the idea of ??overseas author a full-fledged work introduction of in a comprehensive way in this way was not much to this. ? not only Kabutochu kind and butterflies of the royal road, beyond the idea of ??the Japanese, -bedbug-, -mosquito,- such as is also included many works. ? carefully folding view in full color. More complex work also recorded development view. ? as series -Origami Masters of the world-, FLOWERS be forthcoming 

- Content ( -BOOK- database)
Over the 1980-90's, unofficial contest called -insect war- was held between the leading origami creations who make a very complex work. This document which was devoted to it, the insects work of 12 by seven creative home of the world will have been achieved. Talent is rich writers work is none of the elaborate for advanced users, but showed clearly a complicated process with a fine folding view and a polite explanation. Development view five works published! - 

- About the Author
Marcio Noguchi (plotting) Brazilian born Japanese American, learn origami childhood. It came to a full-fledged origami, from emigrated to the United States in the mid-2000s. Since then, it has been drawing a diagram fold for the work of many origami creations home. In councilor of OrigamiUSA, it is also a supporting member of the Japan Origami Society. New York Westchester County resident of the United States. He says -What is the folding diagram's the story.- -Each one of the figures are not only show a piecemeal process, if there is also a simple illustration only .1 pieces of creases that are connected to the front and back, also shows the complex and large-scale folding side Yes you, but even if you do not understand the words of explanatory text, because great folding diagram is what information as if they were reading from entering into the head to smooth - Future Ogawa (translator) In the center of the practical book, he has worked in a wide range of fields translation. 

- Author bio ( -BOOK author introduction information-)
Noguchi, Marcio Nikkei Born in Brazil. It came to a full-fledged origami, from emigrated to the United States in the mid-2000s. Since then, it has been drawing a diagram fold for the work of many origami creations home. In councilor of OrigamiUSA, supporting members of the Japan Origami Society. The United States of New York Westchester County resident (this data is what this book has been published at the time that has been published) 

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