They are made in nowadays in the ancient pre-islamic traditions of the arabs with using very complicated system.
This handmade metal item is made in exact time of the arabir lunar month, following the exact rules of our order, so to work properly. A 7-day dhikr is read on it for empowerment.
Its main purpose is the protect its owner from every known and unknown evil in this world. No matter if it is a calamity or distaster - fire, earthquacke or drawning.
It offers protection against biting of wild and domestic animals, against thieves, against bullets and knives, against evil eye ( nazribad), enemies, hexes, curses, kala jadoo/ black magic or djinns.
We made this item from metal, because it is more durable than the paper taweez and person has to be protected always. With its small size - you can keep it in wallet or pocket...or just put it under your pillow.
It is engraved on both sides with two of the Allah names for ultimate protection. It can be used by anyone - no matter of religion or ethnicity.
Due to policies and restrictions, we have to tell you that this is a collectible non-magic item! If you want something else – write to us!