"The Rosary for Children & Adventures From the Bible Hardcover Books Catholic Kid"

These beautiful, hardcover books are the perfect gift for Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA or for anyone seeking to learn and pray the rosary and about the Bible!

1) The Rosary for Children

A beautiful hardcover book for children and the young at heart on how to pray the rosary and meditations with beautiful imagery by Michael Adams on the 20 Mysteries. This lovely book contains the Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous and Glorious Mysteries with accompanying artwork for each mystery to engage the child and foster a deeper love for Our Lord through Mary. It includes a guide on how to pray the rosary as well as the prayers of the rosary for anyone new to the rosary to learn the prayers and commit them to memory. Prayers included are: The Apostles Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, The Fatima Prayer, Hail, Holy Queen, Prayer After the Rosary, The Memorare, Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel and the Guardian Angel Prayer. 

2) Adventures From the Bible

Illustrated by Michael Adams, this book features great pictures for popular bible stories from the Creation Story to Jesus' Death and Resurrection to Heaven.

Size: 7.25 " x 9.25" and 32 pages each
Material: both are hardcover

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