The Last Supper by Salvador Dali Framed Print .
Various Sizes Above:
Finest Quality Print Dry Mounted For a Perfect Finish
Double Mat(Various Colors) CHOOSE ABOVE
Molding:Professional 1" Flat Top Black (Solid-Maple Wood)
Includes glass & Metal Hooks installed ready for your wall
Print: Bonded & Dry-mounted Print on Foam Core. Perfectly flat and smooth finish
The poster is printed on high quality card-stock mat paper The framing & Double Mat adds depth, giving the display a unique "looking through a window'' appearance. The print is bonded to foam core on a hot vacuum press. This bonding gives the print a perfect flat and smooth texture. This process also insures the print will never fold or fade with age or moisture. This wonderful display makes a thoughtful and original gift containing a classic vintage touch yet modern design, allowing it to fit alongside both modern and classic decor.