Antique Primitive NATIONAL 511 Washboard Wood Glass

These old washboards can still be found.  But it's getting harder and harder to find the ones that are still easily READABLE.  So many were used for so long that the lettering has completely faded away.  And the lettering is what makes them so Charming!  So when we come across one that is still colorful on at least one side we grab it!  

This one reads "National Washboard Co. No. 511 NATIONAL Trade Marks Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. MADE IN USA CHICAGO SAGINAW MEMPHIS".

The one side IS A LOT more faded but you can still make out the words.  "ATLANTIC No 511 NATIONAL WASHBOARD Co.  CHICAGO SAGINAW MEMPHIS.  Beautiful dovetail work to the top.  All of the original old nails.  A little "notch" of wood came off  the base at the bottom of the glass on one side (pictured below) but it doesn't affect anything.

It stands perfectly even.  Wonderful piece!  It measures 24 3/4" Tall.......13 1/2" wide.

These have become Extremely popular in the Interior Design Market as WONDERFUL wall accent decor pieces.......they also look charming hanging on the door to your laundry room OR on the wall IN your laundry room.     

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