MOFUN 4901A 49 Keys Portable Multimedia Electronic Piano with Microphone, and Integrated Dual Speakers, Music Education for Kids

N. Art. SYA0019451


1. Item No.: MOFUN 4901A Electronic Multimedia Piano with 49 Keys for Kids
2. Product dimensions: 49x17x22 cm
3. Package size: 58.5x17.5x6.6 cm
4. Battery: 3X1.5 V AA battery (not included)
5. Function: Play beautiful songs, exercise children’s sense of hearing, stimulate children’s creativity, and imagination, and develop musical skills.

 Packing list:
- electronic piano x 1
- piano stand x 2
- microphone x 1
- Music stand x 1
 - audio cable x 1
- USB cable x 1
-  assembly instructions x 1

C E certification


Before making your purchase, contact me to check the availability. Thank you


The price doesn't include taxes.

Notice to the buyer:
Before proceeding to payment with Paypal, make sure to enter the correct address for shipping. We do not accept shipping addresses other than those indicated in the Paypal purchase order. So, make sure the email associated with your Paypal account is active, we will need it to send shipping and invoice notifications. We take care to send the pre-invoice before shipment by legal email you must accept strictly. Be sure to provide an active mobile number that will serve the courier for the delivery of your package. If the email address is inactive and we do not receive your response by accepting the pro forma invoice, we will consider the purchase transaction without confirmation to continue shipping the items.



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Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azebairgian, Bosnia, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Monaco, Kazakistan, and Montenegro).



United Kingdom




The shipment will be an international economy courier and
may take from 5 to 20 business days (depending on the destination) to arrive.

The shipping is fully traceable. Therefore, the buyer will be sent a message with the link of the courier who has been entrusted with the shipment and the tracking number, to check the package.

Attention: For all other destinations not listed, please contact me
to evaluate together the cost of shipping, islands included. I will try,
where possible, to satisfy you.