Black Beauty Zucchini
50 days

All sales Final - Seed is a perishable product

Here’s a real beauty with ultra dark skin and rich creamy, tender flesh. Packed with nutrition, this fruit is best picked at about 6 to 8 inches long, when it is at its succulent best giving it a real gourmet flavor, making it perfect for fresh eating, sautees’ and salads.

Black Beauty grows abundantly on semi-upright plants that make harvesting a breeze. Hot summer months are not a problem for this Squash

Fun Facts:

1. Excellent squash type to try for home and market gardens alike
2. Best harvested at 5-7”
3. The world squash comes from the Narragansett Indian word “askutasquash”, which means, “eaten home gardens and marketraw or uncooked
6. There are two types of squash – summer and winter
7. Florida produces the most squash in the US
8. Just like potatoes, you can deep fry zucchini, making for a much healthier side dish than French fries

=====Seed is a live perishable product All sales are Final
Research if needed prior to purchase -Its up to you to AVOID disappointments and misunderstandings by reading the listing - provided growing instructions/label and germination time frame/ seeds DO NOT germinate in a few days or sometimes even weeks and may not be at the same time- this is normal in nature--- If you have questions ASK- If you need help ASK
Terms and conditions --- PLEASE READ: Orders over $10 from will be shipped with tracking, Orders Under $10 will be shipped by the least expensive USPS way/ economy standard or first class WITHOUT TRACKING --- BE SURE correct shipping information/addresses are provided---we will not resend due to incorrect address.

We are a seed company that sells to experienced gardeners. If you are new to planting / gardening, take time to research what you are buying. ALL SEED SALES ARE FINAL! We are not responsible for gardeners’ success- WE DO NOT Guarantee that you as a gardener will be able to grow any particular seed. This is standard in the industry. We do not guarantee germination success but always send the very best viable seeds most of which are being tested and grown ourselves in our own greenhouses.
All Seed counts are approximate. Sometimes you will get a few extra, sometimes there may be a missing one. Seeds vary in size and appearance. Some are extremely tiny – some are large. Some are flakes, round, hard, soft, or concave. This is how they look -this is how nature made them -this is normal. The liability of seller is limited to the cost of the seed itself only. Some seeds do not come up right away and may take several months – PAY attention to your germination time frames and do not contact us with complaints after short periods of time. We give you all the tools for success from the start so research if needed. By completing a purchase buyer is agreeing to these terms.

NOTE: We are a small family business. We do not use expensive, glossy packaging- all seeds are hand packed, with care, on demand with label and growing instructions.