Sargatanas is one of the most powerful Chief Gods of the Underworld, I would say, for one very specific reason. He was among the order of the Seraphim Angels before his fall and when you encounter him, you will understand this immediately based on his energy and large presence alone. Seraphim angels do not have a human form and when you see Sargatanas, you will understand this. They do what they can to make themselves perceptible to the human eye, but it is not like other angels. In his time as a fallen angel he has come to adopt a more humanoid appearance, because he is a shape-shifter, but he still does not entirely look human. The journey with Sargatanas is a very private and personal one, taking you to places you never imagined possible, and the possibility for spiritual ascension is higher than with most other Underworld beings. The most incredible aspect to what Sargatanas does is that of interviewing the fallen souls who wish to return to the light. He grants allowance for a fallen soul to leave the underworld, if he believes they are truly ready. Although it is not an easy feat by any means, the soul is then allowed to begin making their way back. In these times, the soul is "without country" so to speak, belonging neither to the light or the darkness. And once they leave the underworld, they are never allowed to go back. Sargatanas aids redeeming, both the fallen and the human spirits. He relieves karmic debts and eases the pain of a troubled mind. He speaks of other worlds, shares prophecies, and generally helps one to realize that existence is much larger than what your life on earth has conditioned you to believe. He is a master of astral projection and your most reliable underworld guide and teacher when it comes to this skill, and he does hold the ability to project you to any place on his own. He can open any door, grant any wish, make one skilled in sexuality, and he works in secret, using the power of invisibility. He is a fighter, a leader of troops and a powerful ally for any undertaking. He has no time for meaningless chit-chat or low levels of thought. He won't waste his time listening to the "poor me" complaints or the worries of the immature. You need to be wise and at the top of your game if you want to communicate with him to make requests. His Goetic companions are Marquis Leraje, Duke Valefor, and President Morax, which means that you have an automatic opening to work with them as well.