Collection More 50 Bookbinding Ebooks ** CDROM ** (FREE SHIPPING)


The Ebooks:


A Manual of the Art of Bookbinding by James B. Nicholson - 1878
A note on bookbinding by Cockerell, Douglas - 1904
An historical sketch of bookbinding
An inquiry into the nature and form of the books of the ancients  with a history of the art of bookbinding, from the times of the Greeks and Romans to the present day... by Hannet, John - 1837
Bib-li-op-e-gis-tic (Pertaining to the art of binding books.-Dibdin)
Book bindings  historical and decorative by Maggs Bross - 1921
Bookbinding, and the Care of Books by Douglas Cockerell - 1910
Bookbinders and their craft by Prideaux, S. T - 1903
Bookbinding  past and present  the revival of bookbinding by Knaufft, Ernest
Bookbinding as a handwork subject ... how books can be bound with simple apparatus in a school classroom by Halliday, John - 1915
Bookbinding for beginners by Bean, Florence - 1918
Bookbinding in France by Fletcher, William Younger - 1894
Bookbinding, and the care of books; a text-book for bookbinders and librarians by Cockerell, Douglas - 1920
Bookbindings, old and new; notes of a book-lover, with an account of the Grolier Club, New York by Matthews, Brander - 1896
Book-Mending Materials and other Library Supplies  The H. R. Huntting Co - 1927
Catalogue of an exhibition of nineteenth century bookbindings by Caxton Club - 1898
Catalogue of ornamental leather bookbindings executed in America prior to 1850 by Grolier Club - 1907
Decorative bookbinding in Ireland by Sulliva, Edward, Sir - 1914
Der Bucheinband Seine Technik und seine Geschichte by Paul Adam - 1890
English Embroidered Bookbindings by Cyril Davenport - 1899
Examples of bookbinding executed by Robt. RiviŠre & Son  exhibited at the Leipzig Exhibition in 1914 for a few weeks prior to the Great War on the outbreak... by Robert Riviere and son - 1920
Formulas For Bookbinders ny Kinder, Louis Herman - 1905
Historic bindings in the Bodleian library, Oxford; with reproductions of twenty-four of the finest bindings by Brassington, William Salt - 1891
Home brew binding to cut costs by Drury, Francis K.W. - 1922
Islamische bucheinb„nde by Sarre, Friedrich Paul Theodor - 1923
Leather for Libraries by Davenport, Hulme, Parker, Seymour-Jones, and Williamson - 1905
Library Bookbinding by Arthur Low Bailey - 1915
Mending and Repair of Books by Margaret Wright Brown - 1921
Modern Bookbinding by Haughan, Alex J
Modern bookbinding practically considered - Matthews, William, 1822-1896
Modern book-bindings & their designers by Wood, Esther and others - 1900
Notes on book binding by Gerring, Charles - 1899
Notes on Bookbinding for Libraries by John Cotton Dana - 1910
Practical Bookbinding by Paul Adam - 1903
Printing and bookbinding for schools by Vaughn, Samuel Jesse - 1914
Royal English Bookbindings by Cyril Davenport - 1896
The Art of Bookbinding A practical treatise, with plates and diagrams - 1890
The Art Of Bookbinding by Zaehnsdorf and Joseph William - 1853-1930
The Art of the Book by August Brunius et al
The binding of books; an essay in the history of gold-tooled bindings by Horne, Herbert P. - 1894
The Book Its History and Development by Cyril Davenport- 1907
The Bookbinder in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg by Thomas K. Ford
The bookbinding trades journal
The Business Of Bookbinding - Philip,alex.j
The Decoration of Leather by Georges de R‚cy - 1905
The Enemies of Books by William Blades - 1888
The Printed Book Its History, Illustration and Adornment by Henri Bouchot - 1887
The Progress of the Marbling Art, from Technical Scientific Principles by Halfer - 1894
The runaway place; a May idyl of Manhattan by Eaton, Walter Prichard - 1909
Women in the bookbinding trade by Van Kleeck, Mary - 1913

Audio Books:

The Art of Bookbinding


Be My Guest 05 04 18 Daniel Cook Librarian Bookbinding
Bill Streeter Scholar, Historian, Bookbinder
Le atelier de reliure Nadine Dumain
Making Visual Narratives Podcast 2.1 Early Books