Vintage original 11 x 14 in. Mexican lobby card from the classic teens pacifist allegorical silent film war drama, CIVILIZATION, released in 1916 by Triangle Distributing Corp. and directed by Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince, and Raymond B. West. The cast includes Howard Hickman, Enid Markey, Lola May, Kate Bruce, J. Frank Burke, Claire Du Brey, George Fisher, Charles K. French, Thomas H. Ince, Herschel Mayall, Fanny Midgley, J. Barney Sherry, Jerome Storm, and Ethel Ullman.

This lobby card was printed for the film's theatrical re-release in Mexico in what we believe was the 1950s. The border artwork depicts Jesus Christ in a benevolent pose above a smoking battlefield. It is unrestored in very fine- condition as shown.

The pre-release title of the film was He Who Returned. The film had its premiere in Los Angeles, CA, on 17 Apr 1916. It opened in New York in early Jun 1916. Modern sources vary on the credits for Civilization. Some give West and Barker sole directing credit, while others include Ince, and both Ince and Le Roy Stone are cited as the film's editor. Some sources credit Joseph August and Clyde De Vinna as the principal assistants to Irvin Willat, whom Wid's refers to as "camera man in charge," while others list Dal Clawson. William Cochrane, who was the press representative of the Democratic National Committee, is quoted as claiming this film helped Woodrow Wilson beat Republican Charles Evans Hughes in the 1916 presidential election. Producer Thomas H. Ince claimed that Wilson's slogan, "He kept us out of war", was the inspiration for the film. 

Civilization was a big budget spectacle from Thomas H. Ince. It was in production for nearly a year and advertised to have cost $1,000,000 to make but actually cost only $100,000 and returned $800,000. The film's screenwriter, C. Gardner Sullivan, said he received the inspiration for the film on Easter Sunday morning in 1915. He wrote an outline on a single piece of typewriter paper, originally calling it, "The Mothers of Men." Sullivan showed the outline to Ince, and Ince decided it was worth investing a million dollars. The premiere was held at the Majestic Theatre in Los Angeles on April 17, 1916. In April 1916, the Los Angeles Times wrote: "The next large feature looming on the horizon is the Ince photoplay, 'Civilization' ... It was nearly a year in the making , and is the most pretentious of the Ince features. Many hundreds of persons took part, and it is said that the film contains some of the most beautiful photography ever shown on the screen." At the time of its release, it was described as "the ultimate achievement of the Ince studios."


The film included large scale battle scenes, scenes of naval battles, trench warfare, aerial battles, and the resulting devastation. Ships from the United States Navy were utilized in the scenes depicting sea battles. Advertising for the film (pictured at right) boasted of the extravagant expense incurred in presenting the spectacle: Actual Sinking of an Ocean Liner; Two Battleships Sunk by United States Navy; $18,000 Used for Ammunition in One Battle; 40,000 People Employed; 10,000 Horses in Thrilling Cavalry Charges; 40 Aeroplanes in Great Air Battle; Every Death-dealing Device Known to Modern War in Operation; One Year in the Making; Cost $1,000,000.00; Entire Cities Built and Destroyed."

Actor George Fisher was given the daunting role of playing "The Christ" in Civilization.  At the time of the film's release, Fisher told the Los Angeles Times that, to get in the proper mood for the role, "he lived the life of a recluse, spending his time in study and meditation." He expressed his hope that the film's message would be heard: "I can say in truth that the playing of this part has affected my whole life and the impressions will never leave me. I have tried earnestly and sincerely, with a deep prayer in my heart, to bring a message to the world, one which will reach, perhaps, millions. Now my only wish is that whoever may witness the performances of 'Civilization' will realize only the truth and beauty of the message."

Plot: To the delight of the King of Wredpryd, war-loving Count Ferdinand has developed a submarine capable of destroying the enemy, but then the count falls under the influence of peace activist Katheryn Haldemann and becomes a convert to her cause. In battle Ferdinand purposely sinks his own ship and then drowns himself as a sacrifice to peace. Finding Ferdinand's body, the king's scientists bring it back to life, but now it contains the soul of Christ, and the resurrected count tries to spread a message of love. Displeased that Ferdinand no longer wants to wage war, the king sentences him to death, but when the king enters Ferdinand's cell, the body is limp and Christ has materialized above it. He gives the king a vision of the horrors of war, and a sobered monarch declares that he will now devote his life to peace.