27X CAST THE SINGING CRYSTAL spell Cast for you by 94 year old Witch
Albina will cast her amazing spell for you!!
This spell is one she called her "The Singing Crystal" spell. She says that this spell was "used for many generations in my Coven and handed down as a means to "sooth and empower" Supernatural and "higher"beings ( such as Fae, Djinn, Angels, Vampires, Guides, etc), draw forth helpful and "lighted" guides, and grant one the serenity and inner peace to achieve advanced "higher states' opf power! She says that "This is a Sister spell of the Crystal Eye, which assists in seeing Higher beings, this spell assists in soothing and attracting forth "pure, positive, Celestial and Higher Beings." Often this high vibrational energy that is audible to higher frequencies has been referred to as "The Siren's Song." This amazing spell has three elements:
Sing to the Sky: This first element will "call forth, sooth and empower 'Higher beings' with the High set of vibrational energies that this Crystal emits! This is "heard" as a ethereal, Angelic song to most who can audibly hear it, those that cannot will "feel" the resonating vibrations and be equally as attracted to the feeling that this creates!! Albina says that this imbued Crystal's spell "will bring forward Inspiring, Knowledgeable, Evolved, Advanced and Wise Guides, Djinn, Angels, Fae and other Nature Spirits, Ancestors, Vampires, and all "who have guidance, support, and power to grant the bearer "!
Music of Light:This second element will "cleanse and release" all negative stores of energy that are weighing the bearer down as the "song" begins to "light the Spiritual fire within one and banish all that has caused pain, suffering, feelings of doubt, stress or loss and replaces these 'voids' with Self Love, Confidence, Faith, Strength and Power! She says that one will actually begin to feel or hear the song of the Singing Crystal during this element's alignment as well! This is when one will "be filled with a sense of warmth, joy and endless possibilities!" One's guides will also be able to communicate with one with greater ease, Higher beings will "celebrate one's evolution to this advanced state as well!"
Basking in the Light: The final element of this spell will create a "circle" of resonating and pulsing energies around the bearer. Albina says this circle is formed by the ever encircling vibrational energies created by the Singing Crystal. She says this "CIRCLE" WILL EMPOWER one and all of one's higher "Soul friends," Guides, and Beings, while also blocking out any intrusive, harmful or michievous entities or beings (including people!). Albina says that those of "Dark" or negative origin "do not like this "Ethereal and Lighted energy" as it tends to make them feel very uncomfortable. Shed adds that the "darker" the individual or being, the worse this AMAZING Lighted force of energies will effect them!
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In closing, Albina wanted me to suggest that one allow 2-3 weeks for one's energies to align with the spell's energies. Thank you and BLESSINGS to Albina for ALL of her amazing time and energy!!!