We strive to provide the best quality water at the lowest possible price!
This listing is for (4) Four Gallons of John Ellis Electron Energized Distilled Purified water in New Quart GLASS Jars. Your order will be shipped in multiple boxes to provide for safe transit.
This LWM5 produced water has less pollutants, impurities, chemicals, metals, pathogens, or disease markers than any other water
The water's hydrogen/oxygen bond angle is greatly increased making a lighter water, with greater solubility allowing for our blood, organs, and body cells to perform at maximum efficiency. It is a proven fact that cancer cannot live in highly oxygenated blood cells.
No other machine on the market can do what the John Ellis LWM5 Electron Living Water Machine will do. This water produced from Mr. Ellis' machine can dramatically improve your health and over all well being.
This is not the run-off water, this is the purified/Distilled water, the most pure water available anywhere.
May God Bless you and your family!
How do I use this water?
While the John Ellis website suggests using a few drops of water per 16 oz water bottle – up to 1 ounce per gallon – of known good drinking water (ie: a well that has been treated with John Ellis water, known good distilled water etc.), you can also drink it straight. You may notice a sweet taste - it is a function of the water. Some have also noticed a metallic taste when first drinking it - if this happens, reduce the amount or dilute it (more) and work up to the amount that gave you the metallic taste. It is said that the metallic taste comes from your body cleansing itself. We drink it straight and have not noticed the metallic taste.
It has been used for making tea, coffee, cooking, soaking fruits & veggies (remember, it kills pathogens), taking odors out of anything (like a dish rag that gets left in a pile and gets musty smelling).
What else should I know about this water?
People have used this in a number of ways – reading on the internet – people have purified wells, wastewater pools, hot tubs, turtle tanks and much more. Some have used it for watering their gardens – and starting seeds.
Your body needs water to process the nutrients you take in to nourish it. This water will help your supplements work better – due to the higher solubility. Its properties make it such that it can permeate cell walls easier and thus allows your body to more easily assimilate nutrients and flush out toxins from the cells. There is more on this subject on the John Ellis website.
As with all drinkable fluids - it is best to store / drink them from glass, ceramic or stainless steel.
As with all listings of this type - we are required to make the disclaimer that we are not doctors nor are we intending that anything stated on this page is intended to treat or diagnose anything. If you have health concerns please consult your personal health care person (doctor, midwife, naturopath, dietician, nutritionist, PA, nurse or whatever type of person you consult for your health care concerns.) Information above is intended as educational only.