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If you have been looking for an inexpensive yet optically superb 28mm f/2.8 Wide-Angle prime lens to use with your Minolta MD MC 35mm SLR such as the X-370, X-700, X-570, all of the SRt models and just about all other manual-focus, Minolta 35mm SLR cameras.  


When used with your Minolta SLR, this lens is a fine 28mm wide angle lens with a fast maximum aperture of f/2.8. At f/2.8, the backgrounds are rendered creamy smooth. The out of focus quality (or "bokeh") is just beautiful. Your kit lens simply cannot produce this effect. In order to make any significant improvement, you will have to spend hundreds of dollars more.


Cosmetically, this lens is in good shape with average usage. The glass is clean and clear. The aperture blades are dry and snappy and the focus action is silky-smooth.


Let's not forget the mirror-less camera systems that are so popular today. With the correct lens adapter, this lens can be used with any of the interchangeable lens cameras such as the Sony NEX, Olympus Pen and other 4/3 cameras (and a bunch more). On many of these cameras this 28 mm lens converts to a 56 mm "normal" lens. With your Sony NEX (and other APS-C sensor cameras) this lens adds-up to about a 35mm WA (wide angle) lens. The perfect focal length for so-called "street shooting".


I'm asking $11 for this surprisingly good lens.


Shipping with tracking to US addresses only is $12.