IMPORTANT NOTICE: This includes THREE sheets of rubber - not just one like most sellers! The
rubber sheet will eventually wear out after several performances. You
are supplied with 3 sheets but you may even want to order more than 1
set of 3
already now. Then you do not have to re-order and pay shipping again
later. A quantity discount is offered for this listing as well so you
can save even more money in addition to not paying for shipping twice
WATCH VIDEO DEMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuTc9ggl7Nw
![]() COIN INSIDE SEALED GLASS = Your will not believe what you see!
Visual Close-Up Magic When It Is Best!
1. A normal glass has been sealed by a piece of rubber which is held in place over the opening by a rubber band.
![]() 2. A coin placed on top of the rubber is touched with just ONE finger... and now you push the coin right through the rubber FULL VISIBLE! ![]() 3. Hand out the glass to the spectator IMMEDIATELY and ask him to examine everything! Think about this ... The coin is SEALED INSIDE THE GLASS!!
may think that this sounds too good to be true? - Please watch the
above video demo and read the description again. Both are 100% accurate:
* NO funny moves!
* NO angle problems - do it surrounded! * NOTHING to add or take away! * Only ONE coin is used! * Yes, EVERYTHING is examined! - NO secret gimmick is used!
* You are 100% CLEAN throughout the effect!
* You can let a spectator push the coin through!
* You can do it in S-L-O-W M-O-T-I-O-N!
= Watch the coin SLOWLY MELT THROUGH the rubber!
Even when you know how this is done you will still surprise yourself when you perform it! :-)
The special rubber does all the work for you A Lubor Fiedler invention!
Don't let the low price fool you...this is truly: