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ISSUE DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1965; VOL. 29, NO. 19
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COVER STORY: "OUR SICK CITIES, AND HOW THEY CAN BE CURED". Come on in -- or up. That's John Peter, LOOK's Modern Living Editor, on a great platjorm above the traffic, touring tomorrow. The place is Hartford's Constitution Plaza, and from there, the future looks good. Our cities are sick, but they can be saved. Constitution Plaza shows one way; there are others. In this special issue, LOOK spotlights: what is wrong with our cities, what to do, and the people who are doing it. For a starter, join John Peter in Everybody's Going to Town, pages 31-33. Cover photograph by Francis Thompson.

SPORTS: Big Man in Baltimore: The Colts' JOHNNY UNITAS "Coach Vince Lombardi says Unitas has "every gift the great quarterback needs and in abundance..." [NICE, In-depth article, with multiple photos!] Produced by Tim Cohane, Photographed by Thomas R. Koeniges.

FASHION: Clothes to Stop Traffic In. [GORGROUS fashion photos, featuring GAIL HIRE -- PLUS: RAQUEL WELCH, PATRICIA HARTY, ELIZABETH ALLEN and DOLORES WETTACH!] Produced by Jo Ahern Zill. Photographed by Howell Contant.

The World of Leo Rosten.
Our Sick Cities and How They Can Be Cured.
Everybody's Going to Town, By John Peter.
The Mayor Who Woke Up a City. (Jerome Cavanaugh of Detroit) Produced by Ernest Dunbar. Photographed by Paul Fusco.
One City's Answer to Downtown Decay: HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT's Constitution Plaza. Produced by John Peter. Photographed by Hiro.
Kennedy: Part Four, By Theodore C. Sorensen. JFK's finest hour: Khrushchev retreats in Cuba. Full page color painting for LOOK by Bernard Fuchs.
Super Solution to the Traffic Tangle. San Fransisco's rapid transit. Produced by Mary Simons. Photographed by Cal Bernstein.
A Lady Stirs Her City's Conscience. Houston's big boom, Howard and Gertrude Barnstone. Produced by Gereon Zimmerman. Photographed by Douglas Jones.
Leading Lady in Urban Renewal. Washington's architect Chloethiel Woodard Smith. Produced by John Peter. Photographed by Phillip Harrington.
A Teen-Ager Tames the City. (KAREN KOSCUIK, in NEW YORK CITY) Produced by David R. Maxey. Photographed by Susan Wood.

FOOD: The Well-Kept Refrigerator for the Man-About-Town. Produced by Marilyn Kaytor. Photographed by Hiro.

HUMOR: Look on the Light Side.
DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editor.
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.
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Oversized magazine, Approx 10" X 13". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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