Double Horror Feature DVD
Fangs of The Living Dead (Spain 1969)
A beautiful virgin inherits an ancestral
castle. When she arrives her uncle and
friends that she suspect are vampires
are waiting for her.
Director: Armando de Ossorio.
Stars: Anita Ekberg, Gianni Medici,
Diana Lorys, Adriana Ambesi,
Fernando Bilbao, Aurelia Trevino,
Julian Ugarte, Rosanna Yanni.
Color, 80 Minutes.
English dubbed.
The She-Beast (UK/Yugoslavia 1966)
An English bride has a car accident
and plunges her car into a lake,
drowning in the process. Her body
is then possessed by a spirit.
Director: Michael reeves,
Stars: Barbara Steele, John Karlsen,
Ian Ogilvy, Mel Welles, Richard Watson,
Lucretia Love, Woody Welles, Kevin Welles.
Color, 74 Minutes.
English Language.
Used DVD in great condition.
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