This is an invaluable and easy to grow herb that is said to have the strongest flavour. It can be used to make delicious mint sauces and teas as well as flavour sweets, puddings and toothpaste. Initially upright, the stems become lax as they grow, and begin to root where they touch the ground, so in time large clumps will be formed. If you prefer to keep them under control, they are best planted in large pots or containers, where they will thrive if kept well watered.This perennial grows to 3 feet tall and spreads rapidly to indefinate widths. The 3 inch smooth, lance-shaped, toothed leaves are tinged with purple around the edges. Oblong terminal spikes of lilac-pink flowers appear all summer. Zones 3-10 All seeds are packaged and for the current growing season. PLEASE SEE MY OTHER SEED LISTINGS Fresh Newly Harvested Seeds