Delicious.Kohlrabi was first introduced sometime just before the Civil War. Three varieties appeared later in the 1884 D.M. Ferry Seed Catalog. Inside its thick skin lies a crisp, juicy vegetable that I like equally raw or cooked. It?s a member of the brassica family, those nutrient-dense cabbages (as well as kales, brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower) whose phytochemicals are highly regarded for their antioxidant properties. If you can get kohlrabi with the greens attached, cook them as you would turnip greens or kale. The greens are never quite as copious as the greens on a bunch of turnips, but they make a nice addition to most kohlrabi dishes. It?s important when you cook with kohlrabi to peel it thoroughly. Beneath the thick, hard skin is another fibrous layer, which should also be peeled away. The fibers will not soften when cooked, and they can get stuck in your throat. So peel once, then peel again until you reach the light layer of crisp flesh. Kohlrabi is actually a member of the cabbage family, but the edible part is actually an enlarged stem. Best harvested when the stem reaches 2-3 inches. Many people use the young leaves in salads or steamed. This variety have a light green skinned exterior, white interior, and a bit smaller than the Purple Vienna Kohlrabi, but slightly faster growth rate. Plant kohlrabi in rich soil about 1/4 inch deep. They love moisture once established and will benefit from an ample side dressing of compost. Continue to sow every 2-3 weeks for a continuous crop. Kohlrabi is a good source of Thiamin, Folate, Magnesium and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium, Copper and Manganese. Remove the rootlets and leaves for winter storage. Seeds can be sown directly into garden when soil is warm or started in containers. Zones 3-10 All seeds are packaged and for the current growing season. PLEASE SEE MY OTHER SEED LISTINGS