'Nimbus of the Sovereign Ginnaye Panacea’ MIRACULOUS HEALING DJINN! With PROOF!!



Have you heard about today’s Miracles?


I mean the miracles that are happening to ordinary people like you and me


How would YOU feel if YOU were given the opportunity to experience a miracle for YOURSELF?



Become a Miracle Worker and sensationally take away pain from anyone INSTANTLY?




Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria is about to bestow upon YOU, one of the greatest discoveries of his entire life


The undisputed genius of Djinn Conjuring is willing to endow one of the greatest gifts known to mankind – Healing



Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria presents to YOU the unparalleled, spectacular, miraculous might of the Ginnaye Djinn –

The ‘Copula of the Sovereign Ginnaye Panacea’




Whilst travelling through North Western Arabia, Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria fulfilled his dream when he triumphed in his quest to reveal the penetralian location and existence of the panacean race of Djinn – The preternatural GINNAYE





These mighty Djinn come from the Phylum of Majzat Alshfa'a and are enigmatic, have powerful presences, with strong personalities and revealing identities. They are also highly intelligent and communicative. They have a calm nature and their words are filled with wisdom


Please don't just take my word for it...



They have a gentle, kind and compassionate nature and have vowed to serve only for good, in order that they might evolve further, attaining a higher spiritual eminence, allowing them to approach closer to Allah. Ginnaye will assist those who would first take the initiative to help themselves, and those who are in extreme state of distress


In need of a bit more reassurance?...



Freemasons, Illuminati, Warlocks, Druids, Knight’s Templars etc. in the past all possessed Ginnayes and it is possible to invoke the energies of these specific Ginnayes who served these great magickal persons or to even persuade them to become your magickal companion. These Great, Powerful and Ancient Magickal Elite of the past leave behind magickal energies infusing their physical remains and quintessence in their Ginnayes. Acquiring these energies would increase your powers phenomenally




This superb meticulously handcrafted Ring that is an approximate size 6¾, is the regal reliquary for a phenomenally powerful healing Queen Ginnaye Djinn


She is willingly bound to the ‘Copula of the Sovereign Ginnaye Panacea’, to unconditionally assist with your healing needs. Whatever problem you have you will be the Master of your own unique and hand-picked Royal Ginnaye Djinn, ready and amenable to fulfil your every desire

Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria works alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah; it will be this omnipotent Djinn who has appointed your suitable Royal Ginnaye





Your Sovereign Ginnaye Djinni will immediately, upon request, instantly remove any physical pain and work on repairing any underlying health problem








YOU will INSTANTLY feel the healing power and removal of ANY pain



A complete dossier will be supplied so you gain the full benefit of your Ginnaye and how you will be able to INSTANTLY remove pain from others – spreading the miraculous work of these awe-inspiring Ginnaye with your own Healing Hands


She will work incessantly by your side and will interact with your or your patient's aura to pinpoint the exact location of the injury or ailment and will inform you of the underlying cause


Still not entirely convinced?...





The benefactor of the ‘Copula of the Sovereign Ginnaye Panacea’ is Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria.



He was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this is in his blood – this is his destiny



Renowned worldwide he is considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He has been called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria has traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he has unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It is this drive and sheer determination that has given him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer



Ancestral legend and tales state the ring he now possesses was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this is his legacy as it will be his son’s



Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria works alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself

Remember, time is running out!


For you to experience the same as this person did.....



This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for


Oops... I almost forgot to mention...

The Ginnaye work just as miraculously on animals aswell!...




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A complete After Sales Service that suits your needs, ranging from small to Life-changing enquiries. Help is always available, even for items purchased from other Metaphysical Sellers


An Extraordinary Investment for your Future





Just to let you know I carried out the ritual last night, energy orbs everywhere from the powers imbued upon the ring by the Blood Moon XIII coven members and a powerful manifestation of <name of spirit witheld>.

 When i carry out the evocation in future i will do so to honour what has been shared with me.



 Hi,Got him yesterday and wow he is starting to make his prescence known already...Last night I heard a loud scratching sound comming from the room where he is with my other dolls and he was turned a different way that I had put him...I also saw the black spots on his face were in fact red and his eyes seemed to be staring right through me with an evil glare..This is the first time a spirit has shown it self so quickly after it arrived...He is a bit scary and will take some getting used to now I can hardly wait to get the vase...please let me know when it will ship...Your items are truly for real...




 You said you wanted to know about my experience with the necklace. I hold it in my hand today and I feel my aura reaching out, it's like expanding calling out to others! The evokation last night was powerful. I feel the necklace is calling out to others. I put my intention in it and it calls out to others i feel. I lovethe necklace! I will cherish it always



 hey, i had my first astral shift! and then today im sitting and my shoulder muscles popped and i felt cold like little hairs were growing. I am gettiny WAY stronger i beat my dad arm wrestling 5 times, and im a girl and hes really strong!




I received the item yesterday, and I wore it last night in bed. I was given a 'sample' of its 'abilities' or 'power' in my dream. I was conscious in my dream. Although it wasn't frightening, I was a little afraid to open my eyes. The ring on my finger was shaking and there was a presence in my room that I can't explain. I remember part of my dream when I put my finger with the ring on on top of the 'tablet', the ring kind of 'awakens' then it starts to shake and to lift my arm up in the air again. After a few repeats, I was more calm, and I just let it do what it does. I can't really judge exactly how long this lasted, but it was a good hour or so.

I don't really know what will happen next or what's in store for me. But I'm excited.




 I want to give you an update with the summoning of <name of spirit witheld>. It has been a most interesting and awakening journey for me. I had all sorts of expectations (and a few fears) about taking this on. It has been a most positive and enlightening experience for me.

 I did the greeting and made my requests. I could feel him studying me with a strong sense of curiosity. The encounter was a positive experience. There was no fear. In fact, the experience was identical to the contact that I have had with other spirit entities. This surprised me. I guess i expected the bowels of Hell to open up and spew forth fire and brimstone! What a mind-job religion has done on us! As I did the dismissal, I could see <name of spirit witheld> in my mind's eye. He turned and looked at me, and as he departed, gave me a small smile and said "That's a very Baroque summoning for an Aquarius!" I actually laughed out loud!

 I want to thank you and your coven again for bringing me this opportunity. Please accept my wishes for all the best for you and your group.



 the Templar Ring alone is magnificent, there are many souls that will not ever come to own such a piece.


the energies that emanate from this ring are really beautiful, my whole chakra system is just buzzing, they are really wonderful Djinn, just checking me out tonight as Djinn do but they really like the incense i work with and cleansing/supercharging before carrying out the circle of protection and conjuration made all the difference, lots of visual imagery in my third eye too :)


Amazing ring, felt the presence of my new friends all around the vibrations of the ring in my hand really fired up my hand chakra/chakras, very hot, like anything practice makes perfect but i loved the rite/conjuration, just need a little practice with the names but intention makes all the difference :)


Great to see you back! It is wonderful that you are able to make available your fabulous items. Thank you.




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Any order under the value of $75.00 will be sent Standard Airmail unless otherwise stated

You must be 18 years old or over to bid on this item, as per Bonanza rules this item is listed for 'Entertainment purposes only' and I can not be held responsible for the misuse of this item or be liable for the level of paranormal activity that may or may not occur with this item. All sales are final and I can not be held responsible for the package once it leaves my possession

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