Seller Community Forum

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5 answers
1 vote
Bakelite vs. lucite ?
Without ruining my listed purse... are there any good visual tests to determine bakelite from lucite? Thanks for any tips!

Category: Collectibles >> Vintage, Retro, Mid-Century >> Bakelite

asked almost 15 years ago

7 answers
0 votes
Do opaline french glass look the same as milk glass
How can we tell we're not getting milk glass is opaline frech glass thicker?

Category: Pottery & Glass >> Glass

asked almost 15 years ago

5 answers
1 vote
Has anyone out there got any true crime cards ? unopened boxes or sets ,single cards .insert cards from the true crime cards 2 series. a-b-c-d-h1
These cards were made by eclipse card company in 1992 There was a First series ,and a Second series.The First Series did not have any Insert cards.The Second Series had Insert cards randomly in some of the packs.The cards are of "The Rodney King B...

Category: Collectibles

asked almost 15 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Has any one see a wooden holder or bracket to wall mount these?
These holders are most always made of wood,have a small horse shoe piece that holds the neck of the lantern so it can be mounted to the wall.I can post a picture of my lamps if needed.

Category: Antiques >> Other Antiques

asked almost 15 years ago

4 answers
3 votes
Fish necklace-identification help
![URL removed] I've had this item for a long time and still do not know the [URL removed] Possible Era Possible Value It appears to be made of Coral, would that be correct? What type of metal is it? When I first started on Bonanzle, Pa...

Category: Jewelry & Watches >> Other

asked almost 15 years ago

6 answers
0 votes
Is there a wanted section
Is there anything similar to the want it now section of Ebay on here, where buyers are looking for specific items?

Category: Everything Else

asked almost 15 years ago

7 answers
2 votes
What are traits and attributes
on bonanzle not sure what these mean

Category: Musical Instruments & Gear

asked almost 15 years ago

13 answers
1 vote
What's the magic $ price $ these days for buyers?
In retail the "magic-price" for items has been not to exceed the $20. threshold... Any ideas for internet shoppers? Bonanzle? Do people tend to spend more or less when shopping online? Any comments welcome and appreciated!

Category: Everything Else

asked almost 15 years ago

9 answers
0 votes
Does anyone have expertise or knowledge about stamps?
I had purchase a stamp book full of stamps. It's one of those stamp books. The years I believe, are circa the 40's. Stamps are unused. Most of the pages are full...not all though. I've tried researching them, but I get all confused. There are s...

Category: Collectibles

asked almost 15 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Looking for jackson china that is black and white
most Jackson china has "airbrushed" in gray-but I need black

Category: Antiques

asked almost 15 years ago

18 answers
1 vote
Shipping cost
Shipping Cost as everyone aware the U.S.P.S. rates for shipping always going up and we all have found that some of the items that we have sold and still selling is getting very costly to sell So I asking you what have you done to offset the...

Category: Everything Else >> Every Other Thing

asked almost 15 years ago

9 answers
3 votes
Does anyone know about coins?
I have some old coins in the blue I think it is called collector book? The coins I have are from 1909 to 1961. Some of the books have more coins than the others. Can someone help me? I would like to sell them but have on ideal where to turn. T...

Category: Coins & Paper Money >> Coins: US >> Collections, Lots

asked almost 15 years ago

13 answers
0 votes
How can we bascically find out how much an item is worth
id like to know how much my items are worth

Category: Everything Else

asked almost 15 years ago

15 answers
0 votes
How long does it take for google checkout to deposit funds in your account after a sale? they said 10 business days but it is 2 weeks and still no funds
Just made our first sale 2 weeks ago. According to Google check out because we are new,that for the 1st 60 days it would be 10 business days to receive our funds. It has been two weeks and when I look at Google check out- payouts it says the fun...

Category: Crafts >> Other Crafts

asked almost 15 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Circa 1880's christian moerlien ceramin pre-prohibition beer bottle
I have acquired a Circa 1880's Christian Moerlien Ceramin Pre-Prohibition Beer Bottle its about 10" tall and is cream colored on the bottom and brown around the top, it has a stamp from a ceramics company stamoed on th bottom at the back but it is...

Category: Antiques >> Other Antiques

asked almost 15 years ago

5 answers
1 vote
Would anyone care to buy out an extensive baseball/football card collection?
Hi guys, I have a sister with CP [cerebral palsey] who collected baseball and football cards for years...I remember her looking over her cards and filing them on visits to see her 10 to 15 years ago, although she was collecting before that. She j...

Category: Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop >> Sports Trading Cards >> Baseball-MLB >> Lots >> Other-Mixed

asked almost 15 years ago

7 answers
0 votes
Has the old cabbage patch doll craze left behind any rare ones to look for...?
Just curious if the Cabbage Patch craze left behind any rare ones to watch for... Any advice welcome... Thanks.

Category: Collectibles >> Cultures & Ethnicities >> Other Cultural Collectibles

asked almost 15 years ago

10 answers
0 votes
Which ty beanie babies are more collectible?
I have so many different Ty Beanie Babies and was wondering which ones are the most desirable?

Category: Toys & Hobbies >> Beanbag Plush, Beanie Babies >> Ty >> Beanie Babies-Original >> Retired

asked almost 15 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
Does anyone know the name of this plush comfy couch doll
it has redish color hair - wearing a hat - green and white striped shirt and leggins big yello shoes - i have a picture but don't know how to add it to my question - any help would be greatly appreciated - THANK YOU ♥

Category: Toys & Hobbies >> TV, Movie & Character Toys >> Big Comfy Couch

asked almost 15 years ago

3 answers
1 vote
I have some miniature fersommling and grundsau figures. can any body give me more information on these pa dutch culture items. i have about 25 of them.
Fersomlin [URL removed] - oct. 9, 1987 "ingot pots?" *3 -Nov. 15, 1985 "square molds" *2 Fersommling Iron and two stands, 10-14-83 UNDSA 7 "wooden clamp" Grundsau 17 [URL removed] -bigger arch bridge, 1-20-89 -standing hens *2 -groundh...

Category: None specified

asked almost 15 years ago