Why are polar bear costumes so expensive?

It seems like every polar bear costume I’ve been able to find costs in excess of $500. I could practically buy a real polar bear for that much. Does anyone know why it costs such a boatload of money to dress up as a polar bear?

asked about 15 years ago


DwenC says: February 08, 2022

I think that everything is better

DwenC says: February 08, 2022

thank you!

17 Answers

Bill, what you need to do is catch your OWN Polar bear, take it to a taxidermist and get a suit custom made for YOU! Cut out the middle man – you will SAVE money doing it yourself!

How to catch a polar bear…
Find a lake near your last sighting of your prized polar bear.
Cut a hold in the ice.
Carefully layout peas (your choice, Jolly Green Giant has an excellent, flavorful variety) around the opening in the ice.
Now wait…
When the polar bear comes to take a pea…just kick him in the ice hole and you’ve got your bear!

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Kim ![URL removed]

answered about 15 years ago

Because Coca-Cola owns them and it’s all a marketing ploy from their astro physics developing department creating the demand while driving the prices up. If they continue with this ploy, we’ll see the ice caps start to melt and the oceans rise, giving way to the structural integrity of the SS Minnow.

answered about 15 years ago

Hmm…is that costume insulated like the bear, or if you buy a cheaper version without the insulation would they cut you a deal then? Also, upon looking for the costume see if maybe you could get the imitation hair & not the real thing, that should cut cost too :) Oh, yeah, as mercantile mentioned it is a coca cola thing….find a no name one without that logo…could make it a bit cheaper too.

I also like what Kim said above…definitely a cost cutter too :)

Aw shoot! You’re the money man compared to me, you know all this stuff, right? Good Luck to you! :)

answered about 15 years ago

Easy. Because there are few tailors who are willing to fit the bears. They (The Polar Bears) have gotten a bad reputation for cracking wise with the tailors during the fittings… The bears say things like, “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” and “You Sew and Sew!” While the bears think it’s a riot, the tailors have had just about enough. I’ve heard tell that one tailor will fit them for “Harvey The Rabbit” costumes, but the Polars are looking for something a bit more contemporary and Avant-Garde.

OH, you mean YOU want to dress up as a polar bear? Oh. Never Mind! :)

answered about 15 years ago

I dunno…..

answered about 15 years ago

Umm, because the color white gets dirty quickly and it’s really noticeable. It gets kind of expensive to have to send to the cleaners all the time….lol

answered about 15 years ago

Polar Bears come from space, are you aware of that Rufus is the super polar bear, he cannot be bought, as space travel is just prohibitive, and Rufus is the super Polar Bear of Bears everywhere
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answered about 15 years ago

I can help if your Polar Bear is NOT a “blend in with the crowd” kinda bear. I have some 5X and 6X HAWAIIAN SHIRTS in my booth. What is the chest measurement?..it is a HE ? or maybe not.

answered about 15 years ago

Reputation: 25
See twysp2's booth

Dressing as a polar bear is cheaper than being a penguin.
For reference only [URL removed]
I never head of Rufus above and Iggy is much more realistic.
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I wonder if any Bonanzlers could crochet a polar bear costume?

answered about 15 years ago

Reputation: 387
See wallyh's booth

Because the polar bear doesn’t get used much as a placeholder anymore? ;)

answered about 15 years ago

Because everybody wants to be a polar bear.

answered about 15 years ago

Have you ever tried to catch a polar bear to borrow his costume?

It’s a tough job and worth every penny a bear wrangler charges!

answered about 15 years ago

Mark, because you look in the wrong places for it :-), I think I could find here in Peru a costme for you, made of Polar for the half price ;-).

answered about 15 years ago

maybe because all the material they have to used to do one?

answered about 15 years ago

Have you gotten a good look at the size of those things. WOW, lots of fur and fabric in one of those and lets not even get me started on how long it would take to sew one

answered about 15 years ago

Maybe, because they are the most desirable costume!

answered about 15 years ago

I think the REAL question here is WHY are you looking for a Polar Bear costume – LOL

answered about 15 years ago

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