Where is my payout?

I have made a sale about a month ago. Where is my payout?

There is no Bonanza transaction on Paypal and anywhere else for this matter.

Any idea why not? Thanx

asked 3 months ago

3 Answers

My question was just that, a QUESTION. nothing else.

Bonanza sucks for not disbursing my funds. Will quit and move on

answered 3 months ago

Weird, mine happens pretty much instantly through my paypal account.

answered 2 months ago

Your funds are not processed through Bonanza. PayPal operates through a direct connection, which requires the buyer to log in to PayPal directly, with Bonanza merely serving as the facilitator for that connection. PayPal sends a notification to Bonanza indicating whether the buyer’s payment was successful or not. The Bonanza website then acts accordingly.

When a buyer checks out at Bonanza with one of your items in their cart, they will be prompted to log in to PayPal to complete the payment. At this stage, the buyer is engaging directly with PayPal’s system. If the payment is approved, PayPal redirects the buyer back to Bonanza’s checkout while simultaneously notifying Bonanza of the approval. When the buyer clicks to finalize the checkout, this action triggers Bonanza to generate a new order and sends a notification along with the order details back to PayPal to confirm that the sale has been completed. Notifications are then sent to both you and the buyer, and the new order will appear in your Seller Dashboard for fulfillment.

Subsequently, based on the order details received from Bonanza, PayPal withdraws the total amount due from the buyer’s PayPal account and transfers that amount directly to your PayPal account. Thus, the financial transaction between you and the buyer occurs solely within PayPal. Bonanza does not have access to or handle those funds.

The process described above outlines how PayPal operates for all websites that offer it as a payment option, regardless of where you are checking out. While there may be variations in the steps and levels of integration with different sites, they all share the common feature that PayPal does not permit an intermediary or third party to capture and relay transaction data. They require a direct connection, which has always been a core feature of their platform and a significant draw for their users.

With that in mind, ensure that your connection to PayPal is active and test it yourself. You can create a second Bonanza account with a different email/user, set up a dollar product, and purchase it from yourself to see if you receive the funds. Additionally, you may want to reach out to PayPal to check for any issues with your account or reasons why they might have returned or rejected the payment. If you have the order invoice from Bonanza, you should have the transaction date handy to provide to PayPal support.

answered 2 months ago

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