South african whites only / blacks only sign off side of train - apartheid memorabilia

This is an Apartheid Era sign with Whites Only Slegs Blankes on one side and Net Nie Blankes Non Whites Only on the back. It was seen by thousands of South African commuters every day and I am not aware of another one in existence. It fell off the side of a public train coach circa 1985 and it measure about 3′ × 6″ high. What category would I put this in and how would I possibly know what I could ask for it?

asked almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 12
6 Answers

historical memorabilia under collectables or black memorabilia.
how many do you think there are out there in the world for sale?
start high; you can entertain offers and always come down. You can’t start low and come up if people become interested. Make sure your really promote it via all venues too.

answered almost 15 years ago

Black Americana is the first category that came to my mind, but Barn is quite right in her thoughts.

Many fantasy items exist so you really need to make sure yours is authentic.

answered almost 15 years ago

Sounds like a great item you have there…how exciting!

I have found the ISA ( International Society of Appraisers ) to accommodate “my needs” at the provided link below. Perhaps this will help you too. Good luck and keep us informed with your results.

Go To> [URL removed]

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

here [URL removed] it is posted that these signs were placed almost everywhere in restuarants at beaches on busses and trains

answered almost 15 years ago

Start ridiculous high and then bring it down slowly. Sounds like something that is rare.

answered almost 15 years ago

Hi and thank you all for your replies,

I have absolutely no doubt that the sign is authentic. I lived in Cape Town for 27 years and I helped the sign “fall off” with great risk and difficulty and a five mile “jog” with a uniformed gentleman in close pursuit :) I am not saying that it is unique in being an “Apartheid Sign”. It is just the fact that it is from an SARS passenger train coach. As far as I can ascertain, the South African Apartheid Museum do not even have one and that is the first place I would expect to see an item that was so visible back in the day. These signs disappeared virtually overnight. One day they were there and the next they were on a bonfire. So any recommendations on a “ridiculously high” starting price?

Thanks again,


answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 9303 times

Asked: almost 15 years ago

Latest response: almost 15 years ago

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