I just saw the blog post on the new (what appears to be mandatory) Bonanza shipping program. I have a few concerns, especially considering that this is being rolled out during the holiday shopping season.
1) I noticed that there is a “Processing Cost” fee of $0.95 that is shown on top of the other costs. Can you explain what that is? Will the cost of your shipping labels still be less than other places when that fee is factored into the total cost?
2) You mention that $2 will be automatically deducted from each transaction as a deposit for shipping labels on all purchases. But… you also mention that you don’t offer international shipments. What happens to the $2 deposit on international shipments? Is it not applied? Do we have to request a refund? Do we just lose it?
3) Can the shipping labels be paid for via other methods than credit cards? Could we use a PayPal account? Can the shipping fund be prepaid with a PayPal account?
I’m sure there will be other questions that arise, but I hope that someone from the Bonanza team will answer these questions soon. Thank you for your help.
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vintagepaperads Reputation: 51 See vintagepaperads' booth |
This $2 shipping fee charge could be the “jumping the shark” move for Bonanza!
Why would they need to do that if it goes towards a shipping label. This makes no sense. It’s bad enough that we are charged a fee for shipping n top of the actual cost. This means they are also making money on our shipping costs.
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neverpayretailonline Reputation: 32 See neverpayretailonline's booth |
Also, for those sellers who pay for their shipping labels using a credit card that has cash back, now with this mandatory nonsense you will loose that option.
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TWC4253 Reputation: 14 See TWC4253's booth |
Every change i see is making it seem like Bonanza is going the same way as Etsy and ebay. If that happens ill close shop and just stick with building my own website and keep all my profits thank you very much!!!
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Elizavella_Designs Reputation: 111 See Elizavella_Designs' booth |
From a comment above " BNZ is fooling itself if it thinks it’s competitive as a multi channel fulfilment center. More profitable opps elsewhere. " Bonanza is really fooling themselves about a lot of things. I’ve been on here for 15 years, sales are abysmal, fees are NOT cheaper then my fees on eBay, and most of the time they’re more. This shipping change is very confusing and I have a hard time not believing that it’s going to benefit Bonanza, not the buyers/sellers. I’m still confused about the $2.00 charge. Why not make it SIMPLE, like shipping on ebay, or paypal – very straightforard. And while I’m at it why don’t we have a photo editor to edit our pics, we used to, how complicated would that be…
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Old-TimeTreasures Reputation: 37 See Old-TimeTreasures' booth |
Viewed: 1058 times
Asked: over 1 year ago
Latest response: over 1 year ago
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